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Kayfun Foggy Version!!

Its probably also worth noting that I stupidly opted for a gift certificate thinking it would be a good idea.....
I've just received an email from FT telling me I can't have a refund to my paypal,I HAVE to accept their gift certificate despite my telling them nothing I ordered from them previously has arrived so I'm thinking of spending the gift certificate on a mech mod...THEN cancelling it to get my cash refunded to my Paypal(any thoughts as to whether this'll work?)
It doesn't trust me I've tried already lol as soon as you accept the gift certificate its bad news, your stuck with your money being spent somewhere in fast tech :/
Yep I also tried this and selected PayPal and was refunded back to my gift certificate.
Oh well,fortunately not a large sum of cash to lose to the idiots at FT(about £11)I'll try ordering a mech & just hassle them continuously every 3 months until something FINALLY gets delivered.The only plus I can see,is every few months another type of mech will have been cloned so whichever finally gets here won't be too out-dated :)
My Kayfun centre post snapped, they are sending out a replacement (a full tank I think) but where can I get a replacement part from over here?
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