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kayfun lite plus build


Apr 11, 2014
hi just wanted to say iv heard alot about how hard it is to build a kayfun lite but just wanted to say i got mine (clone) 37 mins ago and now im vapeing at 1.5ohm 7.5watts on an evicand its piss easy to build and beats the shit out of my protank 2
if your thinking of buying a kayfun dont think just buy
Got mine last night. Made a classic noob mistake. I knew I was supposed to wash out all the machine oil. But it just happened to slip my mind.

Only took about a half hour before I had a headache and felt like I was going to die. Lol

Buy I'm fine now! (at least no worse than I was to begin with)
I have the following:
Kayfun Lite + clone
2 x Fogger V4 (one small chimney, one large)
Aga T7

And some TOBH drippers

With the exception of the drippers, the Kayfun is by a huge margin the easiest to build and get a consistent vape out of. For me its the best of this bunch of RBA's by a country mile. I do have others to try yet though, I was told I have to get a GP Heron!
Kayfun lite = heaven....I currently have two (one a foggy version) and love the ease of setting up, the flavour, the vapour.......I love it so much that I've ordered two more....:)
Out of all the tanks, drippers, rebuildable atties, this is my favourite.
I seem to go from one extreme to another with Kayfuns. Thus far, I have only had secondhand clones and I suspect that this is where "some" of my problems might lie? Knackered O Rings etc. I have a Kayfun Lite Plus and when it is behaving I would rate it as a very good second best to my favourite Sophia. I have bitten the bullet and have today ordered a real Kayfun Lite and I'll be very intrigued as to how this will differ from the clones I have had up until now. Also got the nano kit coming too, so much fun ahead no doubt.:thumbup:
Great attie,

The easiest, fastest and superb flavour/vapour build so far is the double strand navy nest. Forget cotton an give this silica build a go.
Cheers to Leem on UKV for coming up with it.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
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Got mine last night. Made a classic noob mistake. I knew I was supposed to wash out all the machine oil. But it just happened to slip my mind.

Only took about a half hour before I had a headache and felt like I was going to die. Lol

Buy I'm fine now! (at least no worse than I was to begin with)

id got as far as fitting the coil when i rememberd to wash it
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