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Kennedy RDA 25mm copper clone?

As Hugget said, its hit and miss.
Scroll down the FT page and read the reviews, if you like it, buy it and wait anything from a week to a month.
Do you reckon knucklehead is selling the same one as fasttech?
Again, it's possible.

There will only be a few companies in China making the clones, so you have a 1 in 3 chance I reckon of it being the exact same
First of all is the broadside a 24mm won't you have overhang?
Second the khv clone is almost a identical vape to the original but it will end up falling apart over time where as the original comes with a lifetime warranty and better quality everything so I'd buy the clone and if you like it when it starts to fall apart maybe buy the original from there [emoji4]
Thanks for the info, im a bit tight on money rn so the kennedy clone is looking like my best option atm but when Im a bit less tight with money I could be buying the original for sure, dont know whether to get it from fast tech or knucklehead though. If I buy it from fast tech and it takes a month Im gonna be like 30 miles away from my purchase :18: I really wanted a backup atty anyway just to do test builds on so I can keep my main atty wicked and not have to unwick it every time I want to try a new build. :17:

Broadside is 25mm diameter
Thanks for the info, im a bit tight on money rn so the kennedy clone is looking like my best option atm but when Im a bit less tight with money I could be buying the original for sure, dont know whether to get it from fast tech or knucklehead though. If I buy it from fast tech and it takes a month Im gonna be like 30 miles away from my purchase :18: I really wanted a backup atty anyway just to do test builds on so I can keep my main atty wicked and not have to unwick it every time I want to try a new build. :17:
Pay epacket delivery and it will be with you in 5 to 7 days from fastech [emoji6]
5-10 days "typical" anyone ever ordered from fast tech? Whats the likelihood it takes more than 10 days? Lol.
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