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its not super difficult can be a little frustrating at first though if you wanna know about gennies I would refer you to a guy here whos like master of the gennies Seedy we need some help here fella

Wow. Thanks Ninjaassasin1983. I don't think I'm a master though, just plain stubborn and won't give up which is how you've got to be to get genesis atties mastered ;-) still learning though.
SS mesh is the way to go. A nice loose fit and not too much. I make mine using about 20mm width rolled into a tube. Lately Ive been adding an ekowool sleeve which seems to keep moist nicely but its a bugger to dry burn. Never a dry hit though which is what you're battling with genesis atties. I also block all the holes as I don't want it leaking in my pocket which probably isn't right but it works for the RSST so it should work on all genesis atties.
I run mine with all the deck holes blocked, so its very important to make sure the wick is loose or it won't wick well.
I hope this helps. Genesis atties rock in my opinion and the kraken is my favourite currently. I can't believe how cheap the clones are for the quality. Outstanding! ;-)

Wow. Thanks @Ninjaassasin1983. I don't think I'm a master though, just plain stubborn and won't give up which is how you've got to be to get genesis atties mastered ;-) still learning though.
SS mesh is the way to go. A nice loose fit and not too much. I make mine using about 20mm width rolled into a tube. Lately Ive been adding an ekowool sleeve which seems to keep moist nicely but its a bugger to dry burn. Never a dry hit though which is what you're battling with genesis atties. I also block all the holes as I don't want it leaking in my pocket which probably isn't right but it works for the RSST so it should work on all genesis atties.
I run mine with all the deck holes blocked, so its very important to make sure the wick is loose or it won't wick well.
I hope this helps. Genesis atties rock in my opinion and the kraken is my favourite currently. I can't believe how cheap the clones are for the quality. Outstanding! ;-)


well you know more about em than me fella so I subbed you on we all have our specialties I believ mne to be the Taifun GT as I was the only one the other day when people were having issues with air flow who figured out how to pull the deck apart and line it all back up
I gave my one remining gennie a try with your system and I couldnt get the ekowool through the wick hole do I only need ekowool at the top or am i supposed to put the ekowool down first then thread the mesh inside?
saying that your thin straw mwthod worked none too bad on my AGI so kudos but I would love more detail on how this ekowool slleve is actioned.
well you know more about em than me fella so I subbed you on we all have our specialties I believ mne to be the Taifun GT as I was the only one the other day when people were having issues with air flow who figured out how to pull the deck apart and line it all back up
I gave my one remining gennie a try with your system and I couldnt get the ekowool through the wick hole do I need ekowool at the top or am i supposed to put the ekowool down first then thread the mesh inside?
saying that your thin straw mwthod worked none too bad on my AGI so kudos but I would love more detail on how this ekowool slleve is actioned.

I used 3mm ekowool. You can push out the centre of it making it hollow. I fit it only around the top part of the wick from the base of the deck to the top of the wick. With the nice thin wick, any juice that comes through the wick hold gets soaked up nicely. Good luck with it, it is a bit fiddly but worth the effort.

I used 3mm ekowool. You can push out the centre of it making it hollow. I fit it only around the top part of the wick from the base of the deck to the top of the wick. With the nice thin wick, any juice that comes through the wick hold gets soaked up nicely. Good luck with it, it is a bit fiddly but worth the effort.


cheers fella i'll give it a bash i need to drill the top cap out as well its a really tight draw
I use the same in my Kraken (clone) but I use SS rope (2mm) instead of mesh.
The only time I ever get a dry hit is when me tank runs out :umm:
Any mod gets the same method, at the mo, til i learn ptherwise :D

Its early days for a lot of people x
I use mesh in my Kraken, not had much success with cotton or silica in it. Would love to try ss rope in it.
I find the hardest bit with the kraken is taking the cover off to refill it without the glass lifting up and dumping the remaining juice over everything.

Sent with kind regards and salutations.
@Tony @Seedy @Ninjaassasin1983

I have a Kraken clone on the slow boat at the moment.. from FT it comes with some St/St mesh, but its only 99p for 1m of 2mm St/St Wire wick on eBay from the mob that Todd suggested in his RSST review, how much success have people had with wire wick over mesh..??

Tony said just wrap the coil round the wire wick.. do you put a mesh top cap on it first..??

Also with the idea of using a cotton wick, has anybody tried it with this "rico fashion summer" cotton yarn stuff mentioned by anthonyb rather than cotton wool as that would seem really easy to pull up and trim, and coil use a micro coil..??
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@Tony @Seedy @Ninjaassasin1983

I have a Kraken clone on the slow boat at the moment.. from FT it comes with some St/St mesh, but its only 99p for 1m of 2mm St/St Wire wick on eBay from the mob that Todd suggested in his RSST review, how much success have people had with wire wick over mesh..??

Tony said just wrap the coil round the wire wick.. do you put a mesh top cap on it first..??

Also with the idea of using a cotton wick, has anybody tried it with this "rico fashion summer" cotton yarn stuff mentioned by @anthonyb rather than cotton wool as that would seem really easy to pull up and trim, and coil use a micro coil..??

i tried ss rope and it was like vaping hot dry metal
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