As an aside, I've switched the clearomizer to another one today, the same cheap bunch. No burnt taste, no leaking (so far) but I'm struggling to get anything out of it at all. Sigh.
Also, (sorry for all the questions).... when there are several changeable bits, heads and coils for example, how do you know what needs changing when? With my old style cartomizers, they started tasting bad, they needed replacing. Now with several parts to change, how would I be sure if it was a coil or a head that needs replacing? And does the evod need rewicking and argh! Brain overload!
sometimes can be bit dangerous to advise for that period...i could say yes you need this and you buy an amount of it and you dont like it...the postage and cost of these bits is small,and we all compare to what a pack of fags cost so relatively speaking its peanuts...2 x 6 quid evods,50 ml of juice,5 heads...£30 ish...thats like 80 cigs so 3 days worth but what i mentioned above will last best part of a month
will find some bits and bats that i reckon will be good and post again asap
ps...what juice do you prefer...flavour and nic mg
coil and head are one and the same...the head contains the wick and coil...and with most heads its got a replaceable wick and coil....but for now id go with changing out the evod heads,but keep them and in time you will want to try redoing them yourself
Okay thanks very much. Okay, so I want some new clearomizers and a small supply of bits to keep to one side. Re juice, I like anything not tobacco, desserts, fruit, drinks and so on, nic 18mg approx. Really appreciate your help.
now lots of vendors do lots of differnt juices so as taste is the most subjective thing what someone says is nice you may not like ....also a problem we find is its not always possible to get everything you want from the same you may need to go to different ones for different things and then incur more postage but its better than getting something for the sake of it you have spare battery etc just in case...spare usb charger....all small costs relatively speaking but if one should break rememebr to always have a back up for your back up lol
Thanks so much for the help. I'm okay with juices really, got a few here and am happy with them (just wanted to see what you recommended!). I've got two batteries, one on the go and one charged ready to go at all times, a mains charger and a usb charger so think I should be okay! Right I@m off shopping, thank you so much. xx suggest getting some cheap cotton buds...i say cheap cos its easier if you can squash not only the bud but the plastic bit too so you can get in and clean it out properly...easy to give it a swill under tap and then dry out doing this....then either do a quick dry burn of the head or dab the wick ends with kitchen roll then refill,screw head back in and let the juice do its thing....a good thing to do is take a couple of tokes without pressing the button...this allows juice onto the wick