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Nov 12, 2013

28 April 2016

The innovation to help smokers quit that could save millions of lives is being held back by EU rules.

If you are one of the country’s three million vapers, or you know somebody who you would like to quit smoking, then you should vote ‘Leave’ in the EU referendum.

Article 20 of the EU’s Tobacco Products Directive, once implemented into UK law will introduce overzealous regulation on manufacturers of a product that is quite frankly saving lives – vaping devices. The concept that vaping devices should be subject to a tobacco products directive is in itself absurd. As Matt Ridley of The Times aptly puts it, “it’s like regulating coffee in a hard-drugs law”.

Full article - https://leave.eu/news/2016-04-28/new-eu-regulation-on-e-cigarettes-will-cost-lives
Will leaving the EU really make any difference at this stage now? My fear is that it may be better to stay in and press for a review in a couple of years.
The TPD regulations will be implemented from 20th May 2016 as the vote in Parliament has already taken place. The referendum takes place on 23rd June 2016.

Voting to leave won't make a blind bit of difference to laws already enacted.
Leave the EU AFTER it's on the UK's statute books ... with all the new trade agreements to sort out I'm sure the govt will get around to repealing that law in about 15 years' time, if ever ... think about it.
If the TPD is the only reason you have to vote to leave then I think you should vote to stay in.

... is that a controversial thing to say? :hmm:
The argument for leaving is that staying means that our politicians can't always do what they want to do to us.

Look at what the current bunch want to do to us.

Thank fuck there is someone to stop them doing what they want to do to us.

I'll take unenforceable vaping restrictions over abject corporate slavery and a return to medieval living standard for anyone who didn't go to the right school any day.
I'd rather stay in the EU and fight regulation than be left to the mercy of the Tories and wake up in a world with a privatised NHS, no social benefits, the shitfest that is the TTIP and no freedom of movement throughout the EU. What about people who work in the EU and all the investment from EU funded projects here? Nope, no thanks, no matter how annoyed people are about the TPD they shouldn't lose sight of what could be.
The argument for leaving is that staying means that our politicians can't always do what they want to do to us.

Look at what the current bunch want to do to us.

Thank fuck there is someone to stop them doing what they want to do to us.

I'll take unenforceable vaping restrictions over abject corporate slavery and a return to medieval living standard for anyone who didn't go to the right school any day.

The current bunch were elected by the people of this country to do what they are doing, I suspect some people voted for them because of their promise of the referendum. You can't just say that doesn't matter because you don't agree with it. Nobody is suprised about what the tories are doing, we know their policies, we know there politics... I don't like it any more than you, in fact I fucking hate it and that's why I have never voted for them and never will. But I will never be a participant in the destruction of our sovereignty and democracy either. For me it's an absolutely backwards step, I just think there are better ways forward than handing more and more power to the EU. ... actually anything else is preferable to that for me.
Worst case scenario is I'll stop vaping and won't go back to smoking. It's just all the time and money I spent in vaping which pisses me off. Guaranteed I spent atleast £200.
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