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"Lemon" Juice


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
OK Peeps, just need some thoughts regarding some Lemon juice we have just received. Thus far, I am really liking it, but I was slightly concerned, I seem to recall reading somewhere that Lemon was one of the Tank Killers??
Is this true, or am I worrying about nothing?

Many thanks as always.;)
Some citrus and fruit vapes will crack polycarb tanks :) I use pyrex or glass only now
I've been on lemon/limed in the same polycarb clearo for weeks now. No sign of any damage.
It is probably dependent on who made it, and with flavor type, ie; natural flavoring or not.
Not tried lemon but I've had orange in my plastic clearo about 3 times now with no cracks.
Jo, do give Lemon a try, it really is a nice change of pace.:hugs:
I do love anything lemony. I need to start vaping a bit quicker. I have way too many bottles of juice right now. I have had to impose a ban on myself for at least a week.
Both me and a friend filled our brand new carto tanks yesterday with DIY Lemon and Lime made from concentrates from LT and within 10 mins both tanks were cracked to the point where we had to bin the tanks and their contents. The tanks were Fasttech DCTs, great tanks,good flavour and vapour just no good for Lemon Mix DIY juice.
Both me and a friend filled our brand new carto tanks yesterday with DIY Lemon and Lime made from concentrates from LT and within 10 mins both tanks were cracked to the point where we had to bin the tanks and their contents. The tanks were Fasttech DCTs, great tanks,good flavour and vapour just no good for Lemon Mix DIY juice.

Thanks for that one. I've got some home brew lemon/limed that's nearly at test time. I think i'll put it in the protank, just to be safe.
Thus far, both the vivi novas dedicated to Lemon are holding up well, but we are being watchful.
Just a word of caution, I put some grapefruit ejuice in my pro tank and the tank was fine, but the little rubber cap that slides onto the centre pin on the coil head swelled right up and was rendered useless, I guess other juices may do the same.
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