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lets talk about masks


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
me and Liz are talking about this or rather shouting

my other son wants some masks my view is

masks are great if you know how to use them how to take them off and dispose of them but my view is they give a false sense of security as your eyes are exposed just stay indoors

its getting heated

your views
Look at it this way: if we were all issued with a general purpose mask and carried on our usual business, would it stop the pandemic?
My view has been that masks are better at protecting other people from you, but that that's a good thing. It also signals you're making an effort, and it also helps remind you to distance. But that's just a personal view and what I choose to do.

Not that I've worn one this week, I've not been out!
My view is similar to yours, except I'm not sure about how high the risk of ocular transmission may be.

People who aren't used to wearing them tend to fiddle with them a lot, increasing face touching compared to not wearing one and thereby increasing surface transmission (which again, I haven't seen conclusive evidence of how high that risk is, but it seems higher than the ocular route).

I've worked in a few places where masks were required, and you could always tell the newer workers because their hands seemed welded to their faces...
I agree with Crewella - especially having recently noticed how far vape clouds can travel.....

You cant buy the disposable masks at a reasonable price these days anyway - so let's leave the stocks for the NHS who wear them as part of a PPE regime.

However - when I go out shopping these days, I am wearing a "snood" type neck tube thing over my mouth, with a coffee filter inside it (as I have lots of those) and disposable gloves.

I have thought about wearing a pair of bike goggles as well, but so far have though it might be just a bit too "Mad Max"!
If you have a confirmed virus put a mask on to minimise the risk to other people. As @Crewella says, it shows you are making a difference and trying to do the right thing . I would not get close to someone wearing a mask ,would you. If we all had them stuck on our face maybe things would get better faster .
If you have a confirmed virus put a mask on to minimise the risk to other people. As @Crewella says, it shows you are making a difference and trying to do the right thing . I would not get close to someone wearing a mask ,would you. If we all had them stuck on our face maybe things would get better faster .

If you have a confirmed case you're likely in total isolation - or more likely in hospital.

You wouldn't be wandering around Tesco.
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