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Looking for a dual battery mech


Dec 31, 2017
Hey guys, I've been vaping for almost 2 years now and had many devices. Currently getting amazing flavor out of my Digiflavor Mesh RDA with athena squonk. Only downside is the battery life, with around 0.07 ohms I don't do very long with a single VTC6.

So I am hooked om mechs now, because IMO they also play a role in better flavor.

Can somebody recommend me a dual battery mech mod for 0.07 ohms? Preferable not a squonker.
My price range is about 10-200 euros which I would like to spend. I don't have any experience with vaping at adjustable voltage and don't know if it is easy to understand.

I was thinking about waiting for the new VGOD which is currently in the making (not elite steel edition), but a mod with a mech mode is not a real mech (:
with around 0.07 ohms I don't do very long with a single VTC6


60A on a 19A cell? I'm not surprised it doesn't do very long........ :19:
200 euro is a hefty budget , so you are looking for a parallel mech , you can pretty much get anything tbh what type of thing do you like the look of

please get some better batteries , vtc6a or sony5d for 18650s
There is actually a guide within this very forum about building and using super sub ohm builds so I’m not sure why there has been this massive uproar over doing it over the last few years.

Advanced cloud chasing guide

I don’t do it anymore and I’m not sure it’s something that should be advised...but if you’re going to do it OP at least have a read through to make sure you’re staying as safe as possible.
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