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Looking to cut juice consumption

As above I mtl through the day and have a couple of hours with the big tanks sometimes in the evening.
Build your rda' s with single coils with ohms between 0.9 and 0.5 with a slightly smaller airflow and you should still get a satisfying vape with a lower juice consumption.
do clouds matter? if not then a mtl would be perfect for you. my favourite mtl device is my mi pod.
I enjoy clouds, and the Smok produces enough clouds... any more and it sets off the smoke detector. I do like the DTL pull through. I'm more about the flavour. I'm thinking I should get an MTL RTA. I have a box of 10ml juice that it can sip on.
I enjoy clouds, and the Smok produces enough clouds... any more and it sets off the smoke detector. I do like the DTL pull through. I'm more about the flavour. I'm thinking I should get an MTL RTA. I have a box of 10ml juice that it can sip on.
Rtas are great for flavour. I'm not a mtl vaper so won't be much help but I'm sure someone will come along with lots of mtl experience.
The general rule of thumb is that the lower resistance you need, the more power you will have to run through in order to heat the juice. This will then mean bigger airflow too and your consumption goes up.

The simplest way to reduce your consumption is to build incrementally higher resistance while closing off your airflow to find your sweet spot for heat. The trouble these days is most seem to thing 'the best' vape is going to be ultra low resistance and high wattage because it delivers big clouds. You can seriously reduce your juice consumption but it will be at the expense of your clouds (which, let's face it are wasted juice production)

Personally I like around 0.5ohms on Kanthal and 35w or on a mech around 0.3-0.4 on ni80. My juice consumption is pretty much 5ml a day and I go through two batteries this way too on both rebuildables and coil tanks.
I've been using 7x50ml shortfills since for a couple of weeks and notice that they are going down pretty fast. DIY would be good for some but I'm in a London apartment with a baby... no space. All my vape stuff is in 3 shoe boxes on the top of a bookcase.
If you have enough room to make a cup of coffee, you can mix a concentrate.
If you have enough room to make a cup of coffee, you can mix a concentrate.
I don't think my wife would appreciate concentrates on her kitchen counter. I don't think you appreciate how some London apartments are, especially with 3 adults and a baby in a two bedroom flat. As I've said before, my vape gear is in 3 shoe boxes at the top of my bookcase.
I don't think my wife would appreciate concentrates on her kitchen counter. I don't think you appreciate how some London apartments are, especially with 3 adults and a baby in a two bedroom flat. As I've said before, my vape gear is in 3 shoe boxes at the top of my bookcase.
would probably be dangerous to leave nicotine and such around if theres a baby in the house.
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