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Making your own juice by 'weight' really is simple.........

Soldier Blue

The Vaper that "Can't be aroused."
Mar 24, 2013
I was chatting to a few folks at Vapefest about making juice and I mentioned I mixed all mine by weight and I was amazed how few people do it this way and still use syringes etc' so thought I'd post a 'quick n dirty' post to hopefully get a few fence sitters to come over to the dark side.

First off - do not be frightened by mixing using weight. It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier than syringes and involves nothing else other than a funnel, flavour concentrates, nic and some VG. TRUST ME, when you get into this it really is a piece of piss and it's also more accurate with less washing up and faffing.

The best place to start is to watch a video by a well known reviewer Scott (AKA igetcha69). Just Google 'igetcha69 mixing'. That'll give you a good starting point and will help you understand better, what's written below.......

1. I mix all my juices in 100ml bottles and it's waaaay easier if you buy a bottle with a wide top. The ones I buy are on ebay and can be found here....


2. Then you'll need the right type of funnel - this is a problem 'cos you don't want it too small that you overflow the funnel with Nic and VG and you don't want it too big that the juice sticks to the funnel. The best ones to get are from 'The Range'. They are £1 (ish) for a pack of three and I use the small size one, which is perfect.

3. Obviously you'll need scales. They 'have' to have a 'tare' function on them and the ones I use are cheap and simple to use and can be found here....

All I do is mix the flavourings first by squirting them straight into the bottle (no funnel as you don't want the strong flavours embedding themselves into the plastic) and pretty much everyone just works off 1ml = 1mg. It's dead easy that way and is also extremely accurate. Then I add my nic next and finally the VG. The only washing is the funnel - simples. Just make sure you pour the Nic and VG VERY FECKIN SLOWLY as it's easy to overfill because it's so thick.

Like Scotty mentions in his video, I also use http://e-liquid-recipes.com/create as it works the weight out for you but in short my mixes are max VG (no PG) so they are really simple. I vape at 6mg (72 Nic) so the calculation below will give you 100 ml of juice at 6mg nic strength.

Flavour 22ml = 22g
Nicotine 8.33ml = 10.5g
VG just fill to the top of the bottle

Invest a bit of time into this, watch the video, spend less than £6 on scales and a funnel and you're good to go.

Ive mixed by weight for months and it's speeded up the process by ten fold.
Scales are cheap (under a tenner) and very accurate.
Ive mixed by weight for months and it's speeded up the process by ten fold.
Scales are cheap (under a tenner) and very accurate.

I was staggered how few people were mixing by weight - it probably sounds a bit complicated at first, but nothing could be further from the truth and like you said, you can mix bottles up in no time.
Just started mixing by weight and it's so much easier, still using the syringe for the nic though takes a fraction of the time and only a funnel to rinse out
I mix by weight and can knock up a 50 or 100ml bottle in less than 3 minutes. Scott's video and the above mentioned mixing calculator site made it so simple.
A funnel? Fuck that, I hate washing up waaaaaaaaaay too much. :)

Just keep your VG (and PG) in half litre squeezy sauce bottles.

Nah, what puts peeps off is the idea that they have to know the weight of every ingredient to two or three decimal points.

For PG, nic in PG and all flavourings - treat 1ml as 1mg
For VG (and your nic if it's in VG) - treat 1ml as 1.3mg
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