Mechanical Mods? Bah! Lets cut to the chase and forget the mythical crap. 1. laser etching will NOT make them perform better. 2. batteries being batteries, the MOST power a mech is going to give you is 4.2 volts (when fresh off charger) and an average 3.7 volts (the nominal battery power). 3. Battery power will DECREASE, gradually,every time you fire the button. 4. If you use standard ohm coils and atties, the MAXIMUM wattage you will vape with your mech, based on the batteries nominal voltage of 3.7 volts, is 7.6 watts, with 1.8 ohm coils, 6.8 watts with 2 ohm coils and 5.4 watts, with a 2.5 ohm coil. ( "but I can vape at 12 watts with my Vamo" = EXACTLY!! )
So, if you expect to suddenly be in cloud heaven by sticking your bog standard atties/tanks on to a super duper mechanical mod, you are going to be severely disappointed.
However, durability, reliability, and the function to allow you to venture into the cloudy world of the sub ohmer (once you've done your homework!!) do make mechanical mods a worthwhile addition to any vapers collection, just remember that mechs are what they are, a tube with a battery in it, nothing more.