The current vendors I know are responsible .......
I'm curious how you would know that, I think it's a case of you believe that.
Just because someone puts on a cheap printed label or website 'does not contain Diacetyl, does not mean anybody knows that for sure unless specifically tested by the batch.
The vendors themselves can't be sure what is contained in the ingredients they purchase from and much of the situation is governed by good faith or belief system.
E-juice sales are growing at an incredible rate and is starting to become fiercely competitive and so margins will decrease and customers more valuable, I'm pretty sure some vendors will get to a point where the premium ingredients will eat into the profits too much or take too long to arrive to meet the outstanding orders.
The fear is that it will only take a few unscrupulous juice vendors to use incorrect ingredients such as an oil based flavouring or ones containing Diacetyl to start a rise in negative health issues and give rise the fear mongering either by the corporate suppliers that can test and certify their juice or the prat faced MEP's that want the tightest possible controls on all we touch.
The government has a point about regulating the juices but medicinal is way too far I think they should impose food level controls that require batch sampling and verification at a level that does not make the juice prohibitive expensive, they have some case to make about the handling and distribution of base containing high Nicotine levels also, it is a poison and it would take only a momentary lapse by someone to poison themselves or one of their children, I don't claim to have the answers and I'm sure not on the side of the current big brother tax and control everything mentality but some of the issues are valid and can be handled without a heavy hand and imposing ridiculous levels of control suitable for the nuclear industry or certification that requires a Phd in chemistry.
Getting back to the first point here, What do we actually know about the fluid we are vaporising into our lungs opposed to what we think we know because we read a label or someone no more qualified said on a forum..
And just to beat the smart ass to it ..... ~Yes it is still very much safer than smoking and why I'm still continuing to vape dispute my reservations, I just think it would take very little effort or cost to make it just right...