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mrtattootoyou banned from POTV

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Why is it that all I can picture now is a little man in a boat?

What the hell guys!?
Next year, I'll be coming to vapefest, just so I can mess you all up blud.
Actually, wait no... I'll be the one hiding in the corner stroking something shiny I've just bought and saying "my precious" over and over again.
or the one in the bush outside asleep.
Either's good.
And that kiddies, is why you should never do drugs.
You turn into a killer.
how do i get into team meetings , id be an invaluable component and a bit of a mental case :D

A bit? Oh please... You're OH has hands coming from her boobs, and you have a deformed member. Both admitted by yourself!
You're more like a barrel full of mental case ;)
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