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mrtattootoyou banned from POTV

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Having run, owned, admined and modded or just been a big contributer on a fair few busy forums over the years (including some you still frequent KMS ;P ) I can say it is usually a thankless grind of a job with backbiting and arguments running rife on occasion. True compliment to the types of people using POTV if it is pretty easy to run. Still, its no fun when the ban hammer has to come out
I don't understand people.

I don't understand why everyone has become increasingly ruder and more aggressive. I get the reasons for it but that doesn't mean people have to fall in line, sheeplike, and accept that it is a decent way to behave.

I was raised to hold doors open, allow cars to pull out of junctions, share my parking tickets and buy people pints. These days people just seem to want to have a fight, physically and in the virtual world.

I blame The Young Ones.


I have been using forums for a very long time now mainly in gaming community ( Admin on forums & Servers ).. I have seen this many times before and probably a few of you too..

As for the police am on a 50/50 side of it threats are threats and should be dealt with in a matter that's fits the crime..( If it was faceblah the police would step in straight away )

But what I have seen happen is there isp has been contacted and they lose there connection and there name has been issued to other providers and from what I have read in other forums am surprised he's not been disconnected before.
The thing that gets me is at the same time he was getting angry with me, he told me I was a gem! LOL

Im a diamond but I only shine for those that rub me the right way!
The thing that gets me is at the same time he was getting angry with me, he told me I was a gem! LOL

Im a diamond but I only shine for those that rub me the right way!

well im gonna bring a polishing cloth with me to vapefest and try my luck !
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