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mrtattootoyou banned from POTV

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He knew I was a girl :P and he seemed all right too until he read one post which upset him. I understand it upset him, but he could have chose to react differently.

He wasnt infractioned or banned because he is an EDL supporter, it was his abusive language and then a threat.
KulrMeStoopid you are most definately a bigger person than me .i`d want his head on a stick the fooking barsteward .i sincerely hope his balls turn square and fester in the corners ...
Google throws up some pretty interesting results, a quick look shows we're not the first forum he's kicked off at.

Because I am a nice girl, I have emailed him, and even apologised for my reaction to his posts. I have also opened the door for an open discussion with him to reach a resolution that does not end in police involvement or confrontations at Vapefest.

Bare with me people, I keep saying this, but I have connections :P I am doing what I can and will see what happens with that first before taking it a step further.
If this thread doesn't stop soon I'm going to take my pitbull (picture of her to the left) and drive up to Vapefest and batter you all 'cos my dad's bigger than your dad and my brother was in the army. I'm also a black belt in bull shit and I'm especially going to target KMS and straighten her hair with my acid tongue (I'm not sure if that's a threat or just sexual chemistry between us). Remember that line in Rambo First Blood ''I'm not here to save him from you.......I'm here to save you from him''. Well that's what this forum should be saying about me 'cos you're all going to get it from me and my new itaste 134.

Good on you KMS, give him a chance to be a man and admit he went way too far and apologise.

Then if he remains abusive and confrontational, you can then have the pleasure of turning the screws.
I agree with Soldier Blue,his posts have been good,but when you cross the line......!
HAHAHAHA just googled and found his picture! And pretty much everything else you would or wouldn't want to know about him.
I wouldn't worry , if he's planning on sticking his fist down anyones throat he must have tiny little kiddie hands ,

pleb !
I can't find his picture but I have found a few posts re: steroids on a body building forum... Which may explain the violent outbursts...
He's easy enough to find if you google his member name, which led me to his photo... all public information, but I will not be posting it here.

To be honest I think everybody is going a bit overboard and demonstrating a lack of understanding.

If I were just 24 and suffering from male pattern baldness to that extent I'd be pretty angry too. ;)
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