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mrtattootoyou banned from POTV

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He's easy enough to find if you google his member name, which led me to his photo... all public information, but I will not be posting it here.
What went on, I can't say I even noticed him on the forum

He kicked off about the EDL and got pretty nasty and aggressive over one members post... when I told him to chill out, he got nasty with me. Which I dont stand for ;) I infractioned him, then he PMed this to me when his infraction was lifted. Then I banned him.
Good riddance I say, sure you won't be losing any sleep over it kms hehe :)
Good riddance I say, sure you won't be losing any sleep over it kms hehe :)

I won't be, not at all. I'm not angry at the dude and I forgive him. I think he's silly and shouldnt have said those things, but he did and at the end of the day, he sleeps in the bed he lies in, not me.
I won't be, not at all. I'm not angry at the dude and I forgive him. I think he's silly and shouldnt have said those things, but he did and at the end of the day, he sleeps in the bed he lies in, not me.

Indeed we can all get abit heated and hot headed, I'm guilty of it myself sometimes but to personally threaten someone with violence could actually be considered quite a serious offence
Google throws up some pretty interesting results, a quick look shows we're not the first forum he's kicked off at.
KMS you need to go to police and show them,I used to work with scrotes like that,they are worthless,couldn't beat their own shit,but it does need reporting,well done anyway!
I am currently sitting on my nice comfy fence and whilst I don't agree with the manner in which he made his comments, I've read a number of his posts and up until now he appeared pretty decent - probably just the Saturday night ramblings of a drunk. There are a lot of comments about him picking on a girl etc' but maybe he didn't know - hard to tell by just a username. Once again, I stress I am not supporting his comments just making an observation that's all.
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