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Mtl atty??

The snappy is a restricted lung hit but I'd have to test further for mtl. If I still have it when squonker arrives I can send it to you for a short lend if you want buddy
All I've got for bf atm is the vicious ant cyclone which although quite old is a really lovely mtl when dual coiled, not tried single yet and don't think I'll bother tbh.
Some great replies there chaps. Dont think i will take you up on the lend @disk0vape just incase anything breaks etc, but thank you for the offer. V kind. Does anyone know if the snappy is the same airflow as the rose 3? They look indentical but has the snappy got airflow on just one side loke on the rose3?
The snappy is similar to the rose 3 about the same amount of restriction with the afc fully open
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