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My best build on Subtank mini so far


Mar 21, 2015
Just thought I'd share this one.

Only had the subtank mini for a little while now .this is about my 7th build on it .

24 gauge kanthal
8 wraps
Wraps tight together (unlike the ones that came with it )
Wrapped around the screwdriver that came with it
Koh gen do cotton (not too much)


Amazing vapour

Amazing flavour

Great throat hit

Might try Amy first Clapton on this device if it fits in the small channels .if not I'll give it a go on my Mutation x RDA.

Ninja out ;):D:D
Clapton fits fine, takes a little while to heat up though.
I will need to double check but think it was 26 wrapped in 32.
Best bet would be to work out what ohms you want in the shortest number of wraps you can manage.
This was 0.4 ohms.
The more wraps the longer it takes to heat up and claptons take longer anyhow.
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