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My first coil plus a quick coil question


Mar 2, 2016
Hi guys,

My first RDA arrived this weekend so after what seemed like a very long time researching them and wrapping my own coils I finally was able to give it a try.
Not too shabby looking I might add :) I cant believe the difference between the flavours/cloud of my rda and my isub tank. - night and day
I really cant believe I skipped standard coils and went straight to the twisted sort
dual twisted 26agw/3.5mm/7.5 or 8wraps = 0.37ohms :)

My question though.
Fasttech was kind enough to send me some 22 gauge kanthal instead of the 26 gauge. (thanks FT)
Do any of you use 22 gauge? have any suggested builds for a 60w max mod (0.2ohm lower limit) and a velocity rda (i love flavour)
Would ramp up times be a factor with such a low powered mod and thicker wire?

Yes they do at 60 watts I get a nice cool vape but takes a good second or 2 to get going.
Works a treat on my wife's 80 watt mod, she wont let me have it though :17:
They look very nice but like @used_gear said me thinks ur gonna want more power! As for 22g I have never used it so sorry can not help there
Had a go with 0.6mm a couple of times and got a wee shotty with some 1mm Kanthal. Needs a lot of power! Even my old Sig 100W wasna too happy.

If you are feeling brave, try a single coil with the 0.6mm in the Velo, 5 wraps with a 3mm inner. That'll be about 0.35ohms and won't be too bad for your mod.
Dual with only 60W isn't going to be good for your battery I'm afraid.
I hope you mean not good as in battery life @EmbraSewerRat and not good as in go bang!
I have noticed that battery life is way lower than when using my isub :) kinda hard not too.

I have an rx200 waiting in a shopping basket for payday :) then I can have some real fun. baby steps at the moment
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