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nemesis on ft :O

I personally if it were me wouldnt bother or make sure that its protected as much as possible if I were to proceed at all
lets throw this out for discussion
scenario: i am making a metal tube, a very well made tube, but there is really no IP in it, anybody can measure it and recreate it. I'll keep it exclusive and high-priced and limit quantites, because I am a small manufacturer and want to control quality. The new landscape means eventually, without doubt, it'll get cloned for 20dolla, thereby harming my brand

now, giving these facts, how would you proceed?

Being a person who's seen the cost of production for a high priced original, the rate at which it sold at retail... the profit after costs on only 500 units... if these mod makers cant spare the cost of the International Trademark and some other base line protection....I will eat my own hat.
Starting to sound like ukv is this thread.

its peoples views mate I have now sat on both sides of the fence and I can say I see the difference and why people have the views they do and believe you me it isnt to protect their investment. I have a Nem and I am not likely to sell it so FT can do what they want I am happy.

The modders need to protect stuff (although I doubt that will stop em) simple as that. I do see why people buy the clones and I have no major problem with it but do think it would be best if they made it clear it was a copy
I see mass market and collectors market as two separate entities that for the most part don't infringe on one another.
One thing though, those who moan presumptuously about people spending loads on a device only doing so because of it being a status symbol, I wonder what they are saying buy buying a cheap exact copy of a status symbol? ;)
You pays yer monies and makes yer choices.
Who would buy a vaping device as a status symbol anyway?
Personally, I will be taking names with the silver caravelas, but buying one of those would just be a sign of illness ;) IMO
From the US Embassy in Beijing:

China has a "first-to file" system that requires no evidence of prior use or ownership, leaving registration of popular foreign marks open to third parties.

It is entirely possible that the manufacturer or FastTech hold the right to the name Nemesis in China and therefore aren't legally making clones. This is just supposition.
Its not a bad looking copy bet in ya hand youll tell the difference, but for the unsuspecting this is a poor show, at least call it something different.
Sad part is by calling it the same you are in effect praying on those that know no different POOR SHOW tbh and thats without the obvious stealing of a design

I dont LIKE the name stealing, but I also don't feel sorry for someone who can rake in upwards of £80,000 AFTER production costs and then be upset at someone else because they CHOSE to forgo any type of protection on their creation/logo/product what have you. Not just the makers of this mod, any of them! It's their choice to protect their creations and if they choose not to because of a false belief that this industry is too small to fall victim to the thievery.

The unsuspecting? Ignorance is not an excuse when they internet is at your fingers and there are forums and blogs full of information available in the fraction of a few seconds.
From the US Embassy in Beijing:

It is entirely possible that the manufacturer or FastTech hold the right to the name Nemesis in China and therefore aren't legally making clones. This is just supposition.

That's actually quite interesting and something I did not know :) You learn something new every day! Thanks Mawsley!
Personally, I have always found Kings, and Chi-You's, to be akin to items I would expect to find in a kitsch prostitute's boudoir, anyway :) IMO

You've just described my bedroom.

And when I say 'bedroom' I mean 'piss-ridden alleyway with some baubles'.
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