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New RDA! Please help :)

Thanks for all the tips guys!
@big benson can you confirm the difference between a standard coil and a twisted coil.

When you say a cotton wick, you mean like a cotton wool ball type of cotton?

I have only seen sites selling mesh, silica and ekowool.

Thanks guys!
If you twist a piece of 0.2 it will double in size thus being a thicker wire thus bringing your res down,yes cotton wool buds are fine make sure they are unbleached type.theres loads of vids on youtube,maybe someone on here will post a link for ya.
Twisted coil - videos on line - what I do is get a drill with a hook in the chuck. Double length of wire about 1m long, double it over and twist the two loose ends together. Grab these ends with a pair of pliers and hook the loop at the other end over the hook in the drill.

Turn drill on and slowly twist the wire whilst maintaining tension on it with the pliers - twist, twist, twist until the wire breaks. This gives a nice even twist and the wire is easily made into a neat little micro coil.

As I said videos on line show you how to do it.

I find a twisted dual coil in my IGO is too much - its too hot and harsh.

i would switch up to something like 0.28mm kanthal , do a micro coil and try cotton ( with micro coil you should get lower ohms ( 6-8 wrap s wiill give you around 1 ohm or lower on a micro coil and cotton is much more pliable and easy to use .
Wrap your coil around the wick. Don't make the coil and then try and thread the wick through. That's just making more work for yourself. Wrap your coil around the wick then stick it in and dry burn. Fiddle around with a screwdriver moving the wraps until they all glow bright and even :)
Wrap your coil around the wick. Don't make the coil and then try and thread the wick through. That's just making more work for yourself. Wrap your coil around the wick then stick it in and dry burn. Fiddle around with a screwdriver moving the wraps until they all glow bright and even :)

Was quite lucky with it being my first build, the coil glowed nice and even!

Think I will take it apart and try the twisted coil as suggested.

Just seen your signature ElsaBubs how did you manage to lose that!?
im currently using a single 28 guage twisted 1.8mm coil in my Omega dripper, 8 or 9 wraps came out to 1.2ish ohms then using organic cotton for the wick, its a coil that produces a nice amount of vapour and more importantly lots of flavour, its worth a try to see how you like it, i may try a dual coil version to see what its like, this was my forst time using the twisted 28 guage.
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