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new to dripping- love it- were do i go next ?


Jun 28, 2013
Currently, im using an igo-l with 2mm ekowool and a 1 to 1.7 coil( only tried two different coils , thinking 1ohm is too high)
what i currently do is the snake method were ithe wick wraps around the base then tucks in under the coil as it sits relatively high.

what id like to know is how you drippers out there set up our wick , what ohm coil do you use and what atty.

(i dont ask much do i :P )

thank you in advance :D
Im currently using 4 wraps of .5 ribbon kanthal round 6x 1mm silica (cos thats all I had left) coming in at 0.8ohms in a cyclone clone. Hitting very well tbh, big clouds. Lol. Hoping my dual coil dripper from safercigs comes tomorrow, havent tried dual coils yet.
so 6 strands of silica bound together by the coil? could you post a pic of the setup , i have some 1mm
Hopefully these are alright. My phone couldnt focus any closer. Lol


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    2013-07-03 19.08.21.jpg
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ive been using 3mm ecowool with .4 ribbon four wraps making 1.5 ohms. I do a circle and poke the end under the coil, seems to wick well
I went mad on re-buildable supplys I have 1,2 and 3mm ecko, 1.2, 1.5,2 and 3mm silica,.3,.4 ribbon,.2,.25,1.5 wire so I have the means now to try all different setups

May have gone OTT but loving trying different setups and I must say I do like eco
After 4 months of trying various setups and buying loads of kit , evods protanks various tank setups a nautilus, cartomizers, clearomizers, learning how to wick and build coils etc etc in the last month I discovered dripping. I have bought a load of different drippers from an IKV atty upwards and finally I have now found my vaping home my vaping Nirvana , the thing I have been looking for all this time. A Provari Mini with an eBaron Dripper Pro. For me its perfect it gives vapour, flavour and is easy to use, I can fiddle if I want to or just buy spare heads, at last I can stop buying kit ( Yeh right ) and just enjoy my vaping hallelujah !! at last sit back and enjoy the fug :) :)

thedarthVap3r. I Try and coil them round a bit but as long as they're not coming out the top cap I'm not too fussy.
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