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New to Mechs, little advice please?


Mar 31, 2017
Hey guys!

Ive been vaping a good few years but for some reason ive always stayed away from RDA's and Mechs...Well, no more!

Ive just purchased a Mad Hatter V2 in a flash sale on GB, thought it would be a good starting point and Im just looking for any advice on builds and additional hardware, Ive heard Sony VTC5's are the best batt to go for on a mech?

Also, Any tips on building techniques for these?
Im used to building on standard RBA's (subtanks, TFV4, TFV8, Moonshot etc)

Any help would be great! TIA
Hey man, I started the same journey myself a few months ago - I started a thread which might be worth reading : https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/...scussion/threads/babys-first-mech-mod.128366/

Builds are all important on a mech, specifically the resistance and the amp rating of your battery. How are you on ohms law - that's required reading :)

Battery wise, I use Sony VTC5 A . Just as important though is making sure you get cells that are what they claim to be - Fogstar is a dam good choice on that score.
nice! thanks dude ill check that thread out!

My Ohms law is okay, I use steram-engine for it tbh...cant go wrong with that really haha
Ni80 24/26awg round wire or flat brochrome from stealthvape. Aim for 0.2/0.3 get yourself some vtc5as and you'll be chucking mate. Welcome to the world of flavour have fun but be careful.
Ni80, thats nichrome right? I dont have an ohms reader yet i generally use my regulated to check my builds, guessing that not accurate enough?

Can anyone tell me if the MH V2 is a hybrid or not? until im used to building profficiently on it I was planning on using it on my Alien 220w is this a possibility?

Fogstar the best for Batteries?

Ni80, thats nichrome right? I dont have an ohms reader yet i generally use my regulated to check my builds, guessing that not accurate enough?

Can anyone tell me if the MH V2 is a hybrid or not? until im used to building profficiently on it I was planning on using it on my Alien 220w is this a possibility?

Fogstar the best for Batteries?

Fogstar for the batteries, I'd recommend using your build on your regulated box to begin with anyway, that way you can weed out any issues safer than on the mech.
Regulated mods are not accurate as a proper omhs reader so stick a little higher on the builds to start ie 0.3-04 to give a little bigger safety margin.
As everyone else has said, using steam engine to plan your builds and getting good batteries is a necessity, so is keeping those batteries good as a torn wrap can leave your mech auto firing ( I had this and it's not nice)
Then it's just getting used to when to charge/change batteries
So long as you use it safely a mech is a great mod and they are far more sturdy than any regulated box
Awesome thanks! I was looking on fogstar and they have the VTC5 for a really good price, which is better then VTC4 or 5A? i currently build about .3 ohms so that should be fine, i just want big clouds and flavour!!

Also this may seem like a bit of a silly question but, how do RDA's actually work, in the sense that, how often should i expect to be dripping liquid on to it or does it hold a ml or so? i know the theory behind why theyre so effective but i dont quite understand the juice storage of them haha
Awesome thanks! I was looking on fogstar and they have the VTC5 for a really good price, which is better then VTC4 or 5A? i currently build about .3 ohms so that should be fine, i just want big clouds and flavour!!

Also this may seem like a bit of a silly question but, how do RDA's actually work, in the sense that, how often should i expect to be dripping liquid on to it or does it hold a ml or so? i know the theory behind why theyre so effective but i dont quite understand the juice storage of them haha

The VTC5A is better, it has a higher capacity and has a nice, high voltage under load, so will hit hard.

You really just drip enough on to saturate the wicks. Some RDA's have deeper juice wells than others, but expect to redrip every 3-6 hits or so.

If it is big clouds you are after, a regulated mod really is much better. Mechs are used in things like cloud competitions, but if you are just looking for big clouds and flavour, a regulated mod does offer a much more consistent vape. Mechs are nice though, and I do use them myself alongside regulated mods, but do realise their limitations.
A lot of people buy them as an 'upgrade' to a regulated mod, when really it is a downgrade to the majority of users, but they do have a certain charm to them.

Also, what regulated mods do you have? Some are very accurate at reading resistance, while others not so much.
hmmm, from my expeirence (spectating) the clouds thrown from a mech seem to be far superior to that from a regulated mod, even with the same build, but that just may be my rose tinted glasses, to me a mech sort of symbolises knowledge of builds like youre some sort of guru haha

I currently use an alien 220w or a cuboid 150 but the cuboid is on its way out i think...
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