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Newbie with a couple of questions.


Apr 22, 2013
Hello everyone i saw a mate at work the other day,he works at a different depot to me so have not seen him for a while but he wasnt smoking cigarettes any more he had a SUB 2.0 Telescopic,He used to smoke 40 a day but hasnt had a fag for 3 months,so after a bit of searching on the web i stumbled across this site and via the marketplace and discount codes i purchased the SUB from CoolVape.

So here go the questions. Is there a how to on the Sub? What are the best mods? Is liquid a personal touch or is there one most people would recomend?.

Thanks in advance. Rick
Answer is both mate
best mod there is not one, its what your happy with and what you want or like. most od us treat it like a hobby so some have nice mods some are happy with ego's
Juice yes personal choice, It can be hard to find you love but we all seem to find one along the way, and most have a variety of juices they like and vape and some stick with one or two.

thats not really helped has it but welcome to the planet mate

welcome redrick. I agree totally with Carlos, but would like to elaborate more on the liquid side of things: -

The importance with liquid is the right nicotine strength. So how many fags a day were you smoking. Now when I started vaping, I was adament, all I wanted was tobacco flavours, as I wanted to replicate smoking as close as I could, that lasted about 3 days before I started to experiment, with fruits, desserts, chocolate etc. So look at some flavours that appeal to you, but dont buy a lot of one specific flavour, as your tastebuds change, you liking for some fluid will as well ;)

I would wish you good luck, but trust me you wont need it :)
Thanks Carlos that really helped (not) but it actually did i guess its just here comes playtime till im happy with set up.
Is liquid a personal touch or is there one most people would recomend?.

The only flavour that kept me off the cigs to begin with is cigarettes flavour. I'd suggest you get one as near to your existing cig as possible. Sure get yourself something else, maybe a sweet one, but have good ole fags to fall back on. Also tastes the best when on the drink, sweet doesn't cut it for me at such times. Just my opinion mind, everyone to their own.
+1 for Andy's advice above too. Get the right nicotine strength. I was a 25 rollies/day guy and 18 mg is perfect for me.
Hi Andy i smoke on average 25 a day real ciggies none of the half cut measures and dont want to quit i enjoy smoking but know i have to give my lungs a break for the rest of my life.
Hunt, try, ask and you will find the perfect match up for yourself. Nobody can really tell you the best setup as we are all different :)

Half the fun of vaping is trying to find your very own nirvana of vaping :D it may cost you a few pennies but, you will get it.......or so you will think because with vaping being relatively new, the te4chnology and liquids are improving tenfold, so there will always be better just as you thought you had nailed it :P

Anyway welcome to the planet and enjoy your adventures :D:D
Then I would start on 18Mg strength. You can move this up or down until you find what is right for you. I too enjoyed smoking, but felt I was getting to that time in life where I could end up with complications. I have used this statement before but to me, I was playing Russian Roulette with smoking, and whilst enjoying the thrill, I am now doing so, but using a blank bullet.

There also is a ratio of PG/VG to consider, but personally that is a little further down the line for you. It is about finding some half decent flavours that you enjoy, that take the ugres of going back to stinkies away.

Vaping will start to consume your life, and is an excellent nicotine delivery system, embrace it, and you will wish you started years ago :)
Hi and welcome,

Everyone is different I went straight from smoking 25 a day to fruit vapes 18mg didnt even try tobacco flavours at all and it suits me 100% still have the stinkie I had when I started vaping. Kit wise just see what suits you.
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