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Nic Base Price Comparison Project

MrKraken Health & beauty - fragrances -floral & flower waters?

surely it should be 2403.99.9000 - health & beauty - health care - nicotine e-liquid (16.6% duty & 20% tax - eek!)
Cheers thedarthVap3r

Doing more research & contact nicvape's to see what they use to be sure!

Updated to v1.4 which now incluces a column for pence/mg for each bottle size before dilution, discount & delivery
this is the great dilema, nic (and many other things, including food flavouring) falls under so many different commodity codes it's ridonkulous!
MrKraken so i am finding! will see what the vendors have to say now...

Updated to V1.5 to include Pence per mg and mg per pence columns. comments add the various column headers for clarity


wayyy ill have a limited suply of 72 mg pg or vg in tomorow lol . i have had to change prices slightly mind but there still roughly the same but had to ad shipping so i lowerd the price and aded the shipping to get it to the same as it was ... it just makes it easyer wen i have to do my taxs ect ...
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