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question time


Dec 13, 2016
did anybody see question time yesterday and the discussion about whether we should ban vapes as the australians are planning? it was a bit of an eye opener. worth a wee watch, it’s on the i player.
did anybody see question time yesterday and the discussion about whether we should ban vapes as the australians are planning? it was a bit of an eye opener. worth a wee watch, it’s on the i player.

Don't watch it but took a shufty and to save you sitting through the rest it kicks off about 30 mins in. Thankfully there didn't seem to be any great support to follow Australia but as ever there was some misinformation.
Labour will be more of a threat to vaping - any sort of vaping, than the Tories. Expect a hefty tax on vape products and for drinkers, expect a minimum alcohol unit price in England.
If they Ban vaping in the UK there isn't much anyone can do and vaping will just go underground with people making a fortune out of us. I would more than likely start smoking again as well, i have been tempted to smoke over the last couple of months due to stress and anxiety, the one thing that stops me is the money i have spent on vaping, saying that i came close to selling my Vape Gear to finance the Vet for my Jess.
If the government were to go from providing vapes foc to would be smoking quitters to banning all forms of vaping it would be one u turn too many and everybody involved would lose credibility.
I usually do watch question time but I didn`t see this one, my impression of the show is that you have a collection of people who are experts in their own field but haven`t a fucking clue about what`s going on outside their own sphere.
If the studio audience reaction could be extrapolated to the general public as a whole I dont think vaping has much to worry about.
On vaping, as well as quite a few other past topics, I wish the host would do a bit more research so that some of the subjects discussed could be more fact based.
Labour will be more of a threat to vaping - any sort of vaping, than the Tories. Expect a hefty tax on vape products and for drinkers, expect a minimum alcohol unit price in England.
I'm very sad to say... I think this is true.
The vaping vote is worth about 2 million (if you dont count the kids), it would be political suicide for any party to take radical action against mainstream vaping in the next 18 months, unless the polls are right and Labour are streets ahead of the Tories.
I hope you're right. But it's not like I'm going to start voting Tory just because I want a cheaper vape.
I hope you're right. But it's not like I'm going to start voting Tory just because I want a cheaper vape.
I learned a long time ago not to pick sides until you know what your fighting for... or against.
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