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Real mods nisshoku


Feb 8, 2019
Over the last few months i have moved a bit towards 22mm single coil rdas, both as a squonker and a tank. I have compromised a bit from my usual 0.1 to 0.12 that I run on bigger tanks or drippers (vc Asgard mini and osiris mini) to 0.2 to 0.28 depending on how many wraps I put in. All on mechs
I have a van and del despot , and a haku riviera for squonking duty (also a armor engine to fall back on), and a van and del theatro rdta.

Question is - how would a nisshoku rate compared to them? Not so much is it worth the money, to some not much is, but is there anything better?

Obviously I don't "need" another rda, and there is clearly cheaper, but I do fancy one.

Fwiw I don't do mtl, or even restricted dtl
I would say if you can afford it and really fancy trying it out then you should have a go. Apart from the Armour Engine I haven't used any of the other drippers you mentioned so I don't know what the internal design of them is like and as I'm really happy with how my squonkers are performing I don't like to mess with them now.

The atty is just one link in the chain so by itself it can only do so much to affect the quality of your vape. Our preferences all vary but my ideal setup is using my Dead Rabbit Solo RDA's which use a larger 810 drip tip which I prefer and it also neatly encloses the coil to help focus the flavour. I use reels of framed staple wire which I wind into a 4 wrap 3.5mm ID coil and I slightly space the wraps. Then with just the right amount of airflow vaping around 47W I find the amount of juice that gets picked up and carried in the vapour gives me a perfect moist vape and I find this setup works with any flavour I put though it and every puff is absolutely gorgious. With other drippers I always found they either supplied too little juice to maximise the flavour or too much so you end up drinking raw juice. With this setup I don't get those problems and I get an almost perfect vape on every puff.
I like to tinker lol

Can I afford one, sure, but its unlikely I would buy one new though not totally out of the question. I buy second hand in good condition as often as I can for anything that doesn't have a board vaping wise. This way the "better" stuff as I see it is much more inline with stuff that's made en mass price wise.
Just my opinion but this gives me a feeling that I am getting good value or my its actually worth what I paid

I suppose I don't really want to take a punt on one without recommendation vs other expensive attis I have.
I had seen that, and like it. Not watched a review of it, butvit looks to be similar to the haku riviera in that you don't really use the tank like a tank, as its easier to just over squonk it to fill the tank rather than attempt to fill by taking the top cap off (hole too small on riveira)

It's the original I am maybe looking at , which I have watched a todd review on.
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