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RTA MTL: What coils & wattage do you use. And why?

I have just ordered my first MTL 24 FL full kit. I like the thought of more flavour and less juice being used. Will make my own fine N80 claptons tho.

I suspect he means a Dvarw 24mm FL

As soon as my new tank comes i am going to try plain n80 round wire first, just to see

I use Ni80 27g sometimes too. With my standard build it comes out a bit lower at about 0.8 ohm. Ramps up a bit quicker than kanthal.
I use Ni80 27g sometimes too. With my standard build it comes out a bit lower at about 0.8 ohm. Ramps up a bit quicker than kanthal.
Well i def got some 26g & 28 n80 so will def give them ago, before i try a little clapton. But to be fair if you get your wicking right i don't think there is that much difference
Well i def got some 26g & 28 n80 so will def give them ago, before i try a little clapton. But to be fair if you get your wicking right i don't think there is that much difference

Agree with you. 'Simples' is usually enough for MTL.
i always use 29g stainless wire and usually 13.9w. i don’t really check the resistance but just looked and this one says 0.87Ω. usually just make the same coil. small screwdriver sized and about 8 wraps, i think.
Will be worth it tho, I hope once i have found the right inserts that suit my style :)
Usually, unless using something like a Coilology Alien, I stay very much with .30 Kanthal 2.5id 5 Spaced wraps. Just works perfectly for me and takes all the guesswork out of things as I have become increasingly lazy :)
I have used Spaced Winds really since I started building in late 2012. Again, they just "work" for me.
RTAs in particular have advanced SO much and I haven't kept up. I admit, I have remarkably little interest in things that require considerable wattage to really get going, but that's just me being Old School AND preferring a Cooler temperature to my vape.
I had a LOT of more modern RTAs go through my hands recently and admit, they all looked decidedly the opposite of anything that I know and understand :) So I tend to stick with what I know and enjoy the vape that they give me.
In recent times, due to health issues, I found that I was increasing my wattage "slightly" to compensate, but still hardly ever pass 20 watts, unless dabbling with Temperature Control, when I "might" reach a heady 23 watts!!! :)

Basically, everything I build is "simple". Why? Well it works for me :)
Someone asked me why I use .30 Kanthal so much? Simply because I have Tonnes of it!! For Temp Control I use SS316L, again, because I have MILES of it!! :)

The KISS principle works well for me and my lazy approach. Keep It Simple Stupid. :)
Inserts etc? I leave those to the far more knowledgable than I. If I ever need to fine tune, I have my own way of producing the same result that reducers give. But that's boring and for another day. :)
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