@scrumpox I am counter-arguing what seems to be the main complaint from those who are against Smoking, they argue that it costs more to the NHS than the Tobacco Industry brings in, factually, they are wrong. My main complaint, or argument, is that people should be free to Smoke if they want too, they know full well the dangers and health hazard it brings, they should't be forced to stop against their will.
Of course laws change, I accept that, but not wearing a seat belt, or driving whilst on the phone are not highly addictive, smoking is, they can't just expect people to stop smoking because the make it against the law, that's utterly outrageous. Coffee is bad for your health, fizzy drinks also, chocolate etc... I could go on, are these all going to be outlawed as well? I may well be getting my wires crossed completely here and jumping the gun, as I am not even sure if it's actually happening, or just being rumoured, but I think it's a joke, just my opinion.
@Simon G That's your choice Simon, and maybe I'll look at it that way once I crack not-smoking for a certain length of time ( I say that because I have bought 1 pack of fags in the last 2 weeks, so not entirely stopped ) but it's no more a blight than Alcohol, for example. I don't mind smoking, it doesn't bother me, I am one of the ones that hated it when they banned it in Scotland from Pubs, hated it, really missed the smokey rooms and general atmosphere that it affected in the subsequent years. I see it a lot differently in terms of my own health, smelly clothes and smelling it off other people since moving on to Vape, but that was my choice to do so, I suppose I might just be utterly disturbed by the notion that these people dictate yet another way of life for us.