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Smoking to be banned in UK prisons


Jul 18, 2012

Interesting news. Not particularly surprising in one way given the crusade against smoking and you can understand the fear of a law suit by a prison officer who could claim that exposure to smoke has made them ill. On the other hand prisons are unique places filled with people for whom a smoke is one of their few pleasures. I hold no torch for convicted banged up criminals. Theyre not my concern. But this ain't gonna go down well with the average lag and must surely risk increased tension and potential outbursts of violence?

The report suggests they will be offered NRT and electronic cigarettes. Ecigs? Really? Given the ingenious ways prisoners have been able to fashion weapons from seemingly innocuous items over the years just think what they could do with a sharpened piece of steel tubing !

Surely some alternative?
That is just crazy. Prison is dangerous enough without Nicotene withdrawals! From what I've been told its easier to get drugs inside than it is outside so I'm sure ciggies won't be too hard to smuggle in. Surely the authorities have better things to be doing than causing more problems!!!
FCUKING HELL! In the words of the Kaiser Chiefs - I predict a riot!

The last time I was in one of Her Majesty's Prisons (on business, i hasten to add, not as a guest!) the wing governor was shitting himself that the prisoners had to be locked down over the start of lunch serving. In his words, "They'll go fucking potty!". I can only imagine the scenes if they ban smoking! As you quite rightly say - nice tube, could be sharpened up quite nicely. Also, it is probably fair to say that since the "reform" of mental health care in this country, prisons look after a high percentage of people with mental health issues - I seem to remember reading that it believed that the high instances of heavy smoking in patients suffering from schizophrenia may be as a result of them "self medicating" with nicotine via ciggies (bit of info' here).

Can't see this being a popular move by any stretch of the imagination on both sides of the equation!
FCUKING HELL! In the words of the Kaiser Chiefs - I predict a riot!

The last time I was in one of Her Majesty's Prisons (on business, i hasten to add, not as a guest!) the wing governor was shitting himself that the prisoners had to be locked down over the start of lunch serving. In his words, "They'll go fucking potty!". I can only imagine the scenes if they ban smoking! As you quite rightly say - nice tube, could be sharpened up quite nicely. Also, it is probably fair to say that since the "reform" of mental health care in this country, prisons look after a high percentage of people with mental health issues - I seem to remember reading that it believed that the high instances of heavy smoking in patients suffering from schizophrenia may be as a result of them "self medicating" with nicotine via ciggies (bit of info' here).

Can't see this being a popular move by any stretch of the imagination on both sides of the equation!
From the report it seems the Prison Officers Association supports it. I've worked with prison officers and visited a few too and from my experience officers know that whilst there have to be rules, removing the ability for inmates to freely smoke in their cells will cause huge problems. Molly Pinchett, finally sent down for her 35th offence of shop theft may not be a problem. Mad Jake McStab with his penchant for GBH is another kettle of fish
Smoking will be bad for someone's health then .... Namely the poor prison officer having to enforcer this rule, rather them than me

Errrr excuse me Mr Bronson this is a no smoking prison please put that cigarette out now or else ...... (insert carnage here) eeeekkkk
Guernsey rolled this out a little while ago. I reckon it's a great idea: give them a realistic alternative, and ban smoking - for the prisoners' good (if we have to care about that!) and for the staff.

At the end of the day, if they want to make a weapon, they can use just about anything - including their bare hands. Also, if they've had their smokes taken away, I imagine those will be some of the best-looked-after ecigs in the world! :P

Just my two penn'orth...
Maybe an e smoking room with chained down egos?
They will probably sell cigalikes in the prison shop, imagine the damage a lava tube or vamo could cause :D
<link charset="utf-8" title="paypal wishlist css" media="screen" type="text/css" href="resource://jid1-ryetb1dajacauw-at-jetpack-paypal_wishlist_and_notifier-data/stylesheets/notifications.css" rel="stylesheet">I think they will have to let them go outside to smoke ! I can see a new market for AK47 and sawn off mods.
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