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Smoking to be banned in UK prisons

I was beginning to wonder what Greece had to do with anything :D
Mind you, what better way to test the safety and effectiveness of ecigs that to have test subjects who have no choice and nowhere to go and are confined to a small space...hmmmm makes you wonder!
Mind you, what better way to test the safety and effectiveness of ecigs that to have test subjects who have no choice and nowhere to go and are confined to a small space...hmmmm makes you wonder!

... and on the other hand - they could just ask the UK vaping community to take part in research into the effects of vaping - I'm sure they'd end up with a lot more willing volunteers.
Whilst I'm not recommending my admittedly Draconian approach for petty crimes, it still irritates me that people do not take responsibility for themselves. Everybody has something to complain about (we're British, after all!), and everybody can at times feel disenfranchised, unfairly treated, etc etc. But it's up to us as individuals to do something about it, and to take responsibility for our own emotions. You said that people turn to crime because they don't own their own home, or because they've had issues, or they don't agree with society's agenda. I don't own my own home, and am in quite uncomfortable levels of debt, but you don't see me using that as an excuse to commit crimes. I come from a broken home, have had very close friends and family die for all sorts of terrible reasons when I was growing up, and had issues of my own to deal with, the like of which the average person would be unlucky to have to deal with just once in their lives. But I have used those 'negative' experiences to learn and grow as a person. I don't feel any particular sense of kinship with the mass of society today, nor with its values. But I still hope to make a valid contribution to that society, to act in a way which is ethical, and to take full and complete responsibility for myself, my actions and my emotions. People will continue to want and take and find excuses regardless of whatever utopian society we live in. But while we molly coddle people who commit crimes, we are not encouraging them to take responsibility for themselves, but instead we are treating them as victims. Surely that disempowers them further, and prevents them from learning from the mistakes they make?

Apologies for the rant!

Sometimes people forget were just animals in suits and that sometimes a evil dog is just evil because thats the way it is regardless of how its raised and how its lived.
I hope there is no ban. Prison removes people's liberties and this is another one. We lock up more people (pro rata population) in the UK than any other Western Country and most of them are not dangerous. Of the dangerous prisoners, many are there because of failings in mental health provisions / systems / accommodation and the 'care in the community' fiasco. Don't forget we live in the country that locked up an old aged pensioner who refused to pay her Council Tax - on principle because it was hyper-inflationary and way above pensions increases - clearly a danger to society eh?
If the cunts that burgled my house were denied cigarettes I'd find it very difficult to feel sorry for them
If the cunts that burgled my house were denied cigarettes I'd find it very difficult to feel sorry for them

There's a high chance that they are addicts stealing to feed a habit (circa 39% of burglaries) and - we lock em up - sometimes send them cold turkey - and they come out and because we do SFA about them - go back to the life they left. It's expensive (insurance costs, prison and police costs and the burden of unproductive people) and stupid.
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