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Smoking to be banned in UK prisons

For a government establishment to be considering offering ecigs can only be a good thing overall as long as they arnt 0mg nic variety.I dont think I would like to be the one to tell the inmates 'baccy is of the shopping list' isn't it like some sort of currency inside?
My other half cant stand being with me if I try to go zero nic so imagine 1000 inmates all getting ratty at the same time.:eeek:
For a government establishment to be considering offering ecigs can only be a good thing overall as long as they arnt 0mg nic variety.I dont think I would like to be the one to tell the inmates 'baccy is of the shopping list' isn't it like some sort of currency inside?
My other half cant stand being with me if I try to go zero nic so imagine 1000 inmates all getting ratty at the same time.:eeek:
It is indeed a firm of bartering currency inside. It's not just about ratty inmates. Both are big problems as I see it. It will change a kind of internal societal system that has existed for decades. I'm not saying it shouldn't be changed but it will require careful management for sure.
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Sorry for nicking the pun ... :strawberry:

Bl**dy stupid idea. You can't force someone to give up smoking, unless you make cigarettes illegal. Even the nastiest, dirtiest hellholes in the corners of the world allow smoking. I don't usually harp on about human rights for prisoners, but what an infringement! It's not exactly like they can leave the property. Mind you, it will probably help to cut down on the prison population quite dramatically1
Perhaps they think by banning smoking they will make people think about committing serious crimes obviously the lengthy sentence is working for them?
Banning smoking in prisons..hm, well as long as they are offered alternatives such as E-Cigs then they stand an excellent chance of pulling it off, and re-enforcing the use of these marvelous devices , However should they stray from this righteous path and advocate only the use of NRT products..then I for one am glad I am not a Prison officer, because I foresee life could get very interesting for all involved.
Two hopes and the first starts Bob. If someone is detained against their will. Deservedly or not you can't just then say oh by the way you no longer smoke you've packed in. It will heat up quicker than totally wicked dud coil. Ecigs are "our" choice. They are not for everyone especially not to be forced on someone who doesn't want to quit. The roofers and tilers round strangeways will be working weekends when all lags are on the roof smoking rolled up asphalt.
Bl**dy stupid idea. You can't force someone to give up smoking, unless you make cigarettes illegal. Even the nastiest, dirtiest hellholes in the corners of the world allow smoking. I don't usually harp on about human rights for prisoners, but what an infringement! It's not exactly like they can leave the property. Mind you, it will probably help to cut down on the prison population quite dramatically1
not all prisons allow it check out the black dolphin on Utube certainly wouldn't fancy a stint in there
I suppose there is an argument that prisoners have 'the life of riley' and they should be subject to the same restrictions about smoking in enclosed spaces as the rest of us 'law abiding citizens'. Personally, I wouldn't agree with that sentiment... prisoners are human beings regardless of what crimes they have committed. Although I will admit, it's tempting at times to want to separate out those who have committed the most heinous crimes and deny them their humanity. I've heard people say that murderers/rapists etc should be treated differently and the 'eye for an eye' approach should be employed. Gandhi once said 'an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind' and according to Mitchell & Webb he also once said this:

But seriously, prisoners are being punished for their crimes and denying them the freedom to smoke seems overly punitive to me... after all, they can't just pop outside for a fag.

A different approach might be to offer PPE (such as a breathing filter) to any prison staff who might feel they are being put at risk, that way everyone's 'happy'... the staff are protected and the prisoners get to keep their fags.
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Personally, I wouldn't agree with that sentiment... prisoners are human beings regardless of what crimes they have committed. Although I will admit, it's tempting at times to want to separate out those who have committed the most heinous crimes and deny them their humanity. I've heard people say that murderers/rapists etc should be treated differently and the 'eye for an eye' approach should be employed.

It's my understanding that usually the ones who do nasty things to children tend to end up dead in prison, so long as they are in gen pop. I think in the news recently there was a murder of a child molester. But if someone takes away someone else's right to live, then it really irks that they still have a right to luxuries such as Sky TV and playstations, etc, or in truly terrible crimes, the right to protection from the state. I suppose of course that the issue arises when we have to decide what's truly terrible and what is understandable (albeit not excusable). B*gger having that responsibility!
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