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Standard Clapton - which gauges?


Aug 10, 2015
After being sent some clapton coils and realising I got some free thin wire recently I decided that I'd use some of it to try making my own Clapton wire soon.

For the core I can either use 24g (0.5mm) or 26g (0.4mm) wire.

For the outer I've got a choice of either 30g or 32g wire.

I'll be sticking the coils in a mad hatter and am aiming for 0.6 ohm coils to give me a final resistance of 0.3. It's a reasonable size chamber so a bigger coil shouldn't be a problem, I hope?!

The current claptons I've got are 4 wraps and I'm looking to make something with more wraps whilst finishing at a similar resistance. I'd like to do this as the coil width is relatively small and I want to see what difference a wider coil (more wraps) delivers in terms of flavour. Cloud production is already huge and it's not something I actively chase.

Reading around, it seems like the outer makes very little difference to the overall resistance of the coil. Steam engine puts a 24g coil with 6 wraps around the resistance i'd like with a 3mm I.D coil. So, the extra thickness plus wraps should deliver the width I'm looking for.

So, getting to the actual nub of the question. What recommendations do you guys have for the outer wire? It will be my first go so I'd like to maximise the ease of wrapping but still produce something useable.

I'm assuming ramp up time will be relatively slow, so the thinner wire will help with that but might also make the whole process more fiddly. Twisted messes fused Clapton video seemed to imply that a thinner outer was better for coil wicking too.

I've watched some videos online and am relatively sure of the process and will be making them with a drill for speed and to save my thumbs.

Thanks for the help!
I'm no expert but go for the 32g or thinner for the clapton. On youtube it shows how to use a stripped down ballpoint pen to feed the clapton, easy peesy. Consider some ball bearing fishing swivels too
The thing all depends down to how much space will you have overall based on your coil size.

I find wrapping with 40g is great but it wasnt the easiest so I started with 32 until I got the technique right. 37g is another one ive found that was easy(ish) to work with and didnt cause my coils to be too large.
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