For starting out, I'd suggest a 26650-sized dripper; they have the biggest build decks, so everything is easier to see and less fiddly.
In terms of build deck size, from big (easy) to little (hard; need good eyesight) - 26650 dripper; 22mm dripper/Taifun GT; Kayfun; Orchid.
Drippers which have holes in the posts through which you feed the wire, then screw down, are easier than the ones where you have to wrap the wire around the screw & screw down at same time.
Thicker wire (0.3 and up) holds its shape better and is less springy than thin wire (0.25 and down).
However, the most troublesome aspect of building for a noob in my experience is poor QC by manufacturers - e.g., dripper top caps are often too tight (lube the o-ring with juice, but got to get the damn thing off first), so are screws (nearly stripped the head of a Kayfun screw with my Poundland screwdrivers, had to go buy a good set from Maplins), and sometimes cloners make mistakes because they don't understand how the original works (O-rings on some Fasttech Taifun GT decks too thin to hold the sleeve).
Great when it all comes together, though! I've found you have to build 'em, to really understand how they work. Probably cos I'm a bit dim...