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The TPD means nothing

Better the devil you know than the Devil you dont!!
Love the Government or hate them,They have lead us out of the impending doom which the last Labour Government left us in.We could be the same as Greece today,Bankrupt.Imo there is no other credible party to vote for out there.At least we have a chance to have the referendom on Europe.2 million plus votes already for Leaving the shambles of the EU.

Compare the debt as a percentage of GDP inherited by Labour from the previous Tory administration to what was left by them for this Tory-led government. Labour inherited a debt of 42% of GDP from Major and reduced that to 22%, although the banking crisis nobbed it up to 35%. If you look at most fiscal indicators or read the commentators, their administration achieved a much greater level of success than the coke-snorting whore fucker currently trying to balance the books and failing.

In fact the deficit after the the global banking crisis was identical to the 8% of GDP as Major had in '94. Comments about Greece and bankruptcy are facile.
Compare the debt as a percentage of GDP inherited by Labour from the previous Tory administration to what was left by them for this Tory-led government. Labour inherited a debt of 42% of GDP from Major and reduced that to 22%, although the banking crisis nobbed it up to 35%. If you look at most fiscal indicators or read the commentators, their administration achieved a much greater level of success than the coke-snorting whore fucker currently trying to balance the books and failing.

In fact the deficit after the the global banking crisis was identical to the 8% of GDP as Major had in '94. Comments about Greece and bankruptcy are facile.

Utter rubbish. No doubt you voted for this cretin?

Utter rubbish. No doubt you voted for this cretin?

Don't you need to be somewhere? Stealing sweets from children? Throwing apples at people's houses? Writing the next tweet for Katie Hopkins?
Dude....what the fuck are you on? Fucking seriously?

"Cut down on islamism" are you for fucking real? So you want to piss of a good percentage of the worlds population and you think that this will stop what exactly Adolf?

This my friend is called ethnic cleansing at best and a call to arms to the cunts that support the EDL and other extreme groups.....that is very thin fucking ice you are treading and is probably one of the most offensive fucking remarks that ive seen written on this forum......

As it happens im gonna have to fuck off as i'll get a ban......edit you post dude....do yourself a favour

I edited it...
So, to drag this back to the topic in hand - can ViP confirm or deny that either of their candidates have similar backgrounds? My vote depends upon it.
politics and religion. the two biggest causes of war. be it out in the real world or on forums!

personally i think both should just do one and take a permanent leave of absence.
sadly one of the fuckers has interfered with my pleasure of puffing on some nice juice so it has to rear its fugly head.

now then anyone know where i can get a 5 gallon drum of nic.. just in case!
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