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The TPD means nothing

Wait, wasn't this a post about the TPD?

Not about the 1982 Falklands conflict? / Religion
(Don't think we we're aware of the oil possibilities until recently, Thatcher was in talks to sell the Islands back in the day too).

The Falklands are as British as Iraq was, when it was under British Rule, under the mandate of Mesopotamia.
(The Falklanders seem to appreciate it more tho) :)

If you are a millionaire, or are paid a salary (perhaps not including bonuses ;)) of more than 150K per year, vote Conservative.
This would be a cogent decision, they'll see you right.

For the remaining majority, vote for ANYONE else, what the F*ck are you thinking even contemplating these cu*ts ?

I'd Vote for Dougal tho, seems to have a pretty grounded approach to religion :D
Wait, wasn't this a post about the TPD?

Not about the 1982 Falklands conflict? / Religion

(Don't think we we're aware of the oil possibilities until recently, Thatcher was in talks to sell the Islands back in the day too).

The Falklands are as British as Iraq was, when it was under British Rule, under the mandate of Mesopotamia.
(The Falklanders seem to appreciate it more tho) :)

If you are a millionaire, or are paid a salary (perhaps not including bonuses ;)) of more than 150K per year, vote Conservative.
This would be a cogent decision, they'll see you right.

For the remaining majority, vote for ANYONE else, what the F*ck are you thinking even contemplating these cu*ts ?

I'd Vote for Dougal tho, seems to have a pretty grounded approach to religion :D
Trying to guess at this point what the TPD will actually bring (we know what it COULD bring but not how it will actually be interpreted) is about as useful as religion ... Actually from a personal standpoint it's probably even more vague - I'm 100% certain God doesn't exist, the TPD actually does ... But we have no clue how it will be interpreted.

one things for sure ... It unlikely to be good, and sadly (given my normal political leanings) likely to be worse under labour than anyone else. That crowd seem to be full of nannies these days.
Politics eh? Polarising innit?

All I know is that it was a 'socialist' block in the EU that forced through the TPD.

When it comes to interpreting the rules for the UK who would you least trust to do so in the interests of Vapers and smokers who could switch and enjoy the benefits we have enjoyed? Labour. In my book.

But then with any election, there is more at stake I guess. We all have our views on the state of the nation whether it be the NHS, food banks, immigration, defence, the economy, rich thieving bankers, non fucking doms or whatever
It comes down to personal choice about what's most important to us individually
Politics eh? Polarising innit?

All I know is that it was a 'socialist' block in the EU that forced through the TPD.

When it comes to interpreting the rules for the UK who would you least trust to do so in the interests of Vapers and smokers who could switch and enjoy the benefits we have enjoyed? Labour. In my book.

But then with any election, there is more at stake I guess. We all have our views on the state of the nation whether it be the NHS, food banks, immigration, defence, the economy, rich thieving bankers, non fucking doms or whatever
It comes down to personal choice about what's most important to us individually

Sadly for me .. there are NON that meet my criteria ... not a one

The best for vaping would possibly be UKIP, they would also like to remove us from the EU ... which at this point even aside from vaping would be a good thing, we are far too under the control of people we didnt vote for. .. unfortunately they are a bunch of racists and idiots and the rest of their policies would destroy us.

Labour (who are practically tories these days .. only in a much more underhand way) will screw us as vapours ... would probably be better for the lower earners .. but only for a while

The Tories will without doubt keep us in the EU ... this is a bad thing .. and they are tories .. they make my blood boil just on general principle, oh and we could probaly just hand over the NHS to american big business and save them the effort of pretending they are not trying to do that anyway

Non of the other parties are at all viable (actually neither is UKIP, there is not a world in existence where having them anywhere near power would be a good thing)

Screwed if we do .. Screwed if we dont
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Better the devil you know than the Devil you dont!!
Love the Government or hate them,They have lead us out of the impending doom which the last Labour Government left us in.We could be the same as Greece today,Bankrupt.Imo there is no other credible party to vote for out there.At least we have a chance to have the referendom on Europe.2 million plus votes already for Leaving the shambles of the EU.
Well if there is anyone in Kingswood or Barnsley East thinking of not bothering to vote because all the options are f'ing horrible, you know what to do lol ;)
what i dont get is if one party is to blame for the uk nearly going to the dogs how comes the yanks and most of the eu also nearly went to the dogs at the same time.
In order to have a saviour you need a crisis. In order to have a Party you can trust you need etc. Politics is pantomime in suits. /spit
Stop the politics chat get back to the point of this post. PRINT the flyers from page 1. and take them to your local vape shop simples :)
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