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The TPD means nothing

Please enlighten me to how the conservatives would make it so much better ?

If you can put forward 5 good reasons I may just put a vote in this year.

1. reduce the deficit
2. cut public spending on labour quangos and 'NGO's
3. cut immigration
4. Crack down on fundamental islamism
5. have a sensible approach to the TPD
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That the stuff that makes taste horrible right?
EEK! :(
I hadn't thought of that. Have you heard that's a plan elsewhere in the world? Or is that just your thoughts on the worst case scenario?

I haven't heard anything, but I would be astonished if they allowed untainted pharmaceutical grade nicotine to be openly sold while cracking down on e-liquid. It's not like DIY juice mixing is a big secret known only to us lot!
The elected MPs might be a horde of drooling simpletons and vacuous media-bunnies but the people that work for them most certainly aren't, and you can bet that any TPD loophole you think of, so have they.
The only reason Labour are struggling to get this country back on track is because the Conservatives spent 20 years fucking it up.

They're both as bad as each other in my mind hence why I don't bother voting anymore, none of them deserve anything.

I should point out this is my opinion and it's likely to upset some people.
It hasn't stopped me from signing the TPD though.

Just saw this. Labour are struggling to get country back on track ???. I didn`t realise labour were back in power !. And if coneservatves F`d it up in 20 yrs ( sorry for abbreviation but i don`t use foul language ), labour beat them by ruining our economy in 13 yrs. If they get back in, heaven help us. And having that idiot on TV last night should wake some people up. especially the people who lost love ones in his stupid wars. I signed TPD too and I think the more sensible approach will be made by the conservatives.
As who we vote for, we end up with politicians running the show.
I'm undecided as yet.
Don't fancy a Labour/ SNP coalition though.
Haven't seen any party position on vaping at all.
Maybe they're not bothering as there are few votes in it for or against.
If we had a VIP candidate here I'd probably vote for her or him.
Just saw this. Labour are struggling to get country back on track ???. I didn`t realise labour were back in power !. And if coneservatves F`d it up in 20 yrs ( sorry for abbreviation but i don`t use foul language ), labour beat them by ruining our economy in 13 yrs. If they get back in, heaven help us. And having that idiot on TV last night should wake some people up. especially the people who lost love ones in his stupid wars. I signed TPD too and I think the more sensible approach will be made by the conservatives.

You may wish to research your point on the economy, it's amazingly wrong. I suggest you start by looking at level of debt vs GDP and insert a touch of global perspective. Then you might like to factor in how piss poorly this government has managed debt over its term in office.

And you may want to have a crack at your revisionist historical perspective too and include some wars fought by Tory PMs while you're at it.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am not a Labour supporter but I am a fan of truth and evidence. Claiming their term consisted of 13 years of "ruining the economy" is, using your style of writing, B'lcks.
You may wish to research your point on the economy, it's amazingly wrong. I suggest you start by looking at level of debt vs GDP and insert a touch of global perspective. Then you might like to factor in how piss poorly this government has managed debt over its term in office.

And you may want to have a crack at your revisionist historical perspective too and include some wars fought by Tory PMs while you're at it.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am not a Labour supporter but I am a fan of truth and evidence. Claiming their term consisted of 13 years of "ruining the economy" is, using your style of writing, B'lcks.

Yeah yeah...the same old left wing bollox that was indoctrinated into you at uni...am I correct? Labour fucked the economy as they alwaYS DO!
1. reduce the deficit
2. cut public spending on labour quangos and 'NGO's
3. cut immigration
4. Crack down on islamism
5. have a sensible approach to the TPD

Dude....what the fuck are you on? Fucking seriously?

"Cut down on islamism" are you for fucking real? So you want to piss of a good percentage of the worlds population and you think that this will stop what exactly Adolf?

This my friend is called ethnic cleansing at best and a call to arms to the cunts that support the EDL and other extreme groups.....that is very thin fucking ice you are treading and is probably one of the most offensive fucking remarks that ive seen written on this forum......

As it happens im gonna have to fuck off as i'll get a ban......edit you post dude....do yourself a favour
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