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The TPD means nothing

Nope, we all have to abide by it.

I won't be, I assure you.

The question is how it will be interpreted in the UK.

And here is the crux of the question. Considering how the nasty snidey labour party were the pioneers of the nasty and snidey 'smoking ban', I think we can all expect the same treatment as vapers should the labour scum get in again. Let's not forget that they banned smoking for people spending time in police cells and psychiatric holdings. They are nasty through and through. I have it on good authority that the Tories (The so- called 'nasty party'), introduced NRT for people unlucky enough to be held at Her Majesty's Pleasure in a police cell. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the Tories will NOT ban ecigs or make them unreachable for those that want to stop smoking.
I am so embarrassed to be born in this country sometimes, saying that most countries are the same on different levels. Maybe disappointed would be a better fitting word.
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I won't be, I assure you.

And here is the crux of the question. Considering how the nasty snidey labour party were the pioneers of the nasty and snidey 'smoking ban', I think we can all expect the same treatment as vapers should the labour scum get in again. Let's not forget that they banned smoking for people spending time in police cells and psychiatric holdings. They are nasty through and through. I have it on good authority that the Tories (The so- called 'nasty party'), introduced NRT for people unlucky enough to be held at Her Majesty's Pleasure in a police cell. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the Tories will NOT ban ecigs or make them unreachable for those that want to stop smoking.

i am not going there with you on how ....erm... wonderful the Tories are
Lets just say our opinions differ. :P
The only reason Labour are struggling to get this country back on track is because the Conservatives spent 20 years fucking it up.

They're both as bad as each other in my mind hence why I don't bother voting anymore, none of them deserve anything.

I should point out this is my opinion and it's likely to upset some people.
It hasn't stopped me from signing the TPD though.
The only reason Labour are struggling to get this country back on track is because the Conservatives spent 20 years fucking it up.

I don't think I've ever read something quite so ridiculous. Vote labour? Kiss goodbye to your business.
The only reason Labour are struggling to get this country back on track is because the Conservatives spent 20 years fucking it up.

They're both as bad as each other in my mind hence why I don't bother voting anymore, none of them deserve anything.

I should point out this is my opinion and it's likely to upset some people.
It hasn't stopped me from signing the TPD though.

that in itself is a huge problem though.. people complain about this party and that party but when it comes to deciding who gets into power the percentage of people who get out and vote is bloody awful.
voting should be made mandatory ( and should be based on head count not by the bias of seating.
maybe then we might actually get a party the general public want in power rather than be screwed over time and again .
none of the parties have any great appeal to me. and the only policy that i whole heartedly agree with is get us the fuck out of the EU and UKIP seems to be the party pushing that one the most. the rest of the stuff is all the usual broken promises and lies as the current government has shown over and over again and the previous one too.
bring back screaming lord such ( yeah i know hes dead but he would still be 1000x better ) and the raving monster loony party.
I don't think I've ever read something quite so ridiculous. Vote labour? Kiss goodbye to your business.

Please enlighten me to how the conservatives would make it so much better ?

If you can put forward 5 good reasons I may just put a vote in this year.
I won't be, I assure you.

And here is the crux of the question. Considering how the nasty snidey labour party were the pioneers of the nasty and snidey 'smoking ban', I think we can all expect the same treatment as vapers should the labour scum get in again. Let's not forget that they banned smoking for people spending time in police cells and psychiatric holdings. They are nasty through and through. I have it on good authority that the Tories (The so- called 'nasty party'), introduced NRT for people unlucky enough to be held at Her Majesty's Pleasure in a police cell. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the Tories will NOT ban ecigs or make them unreachable for those that want to stop smoking.

funny that bit about psych wards

i was on one for a week or so not very long ago and had to go back to smoking because the use of ecigs was banned.this ban included the outside smoking area. my istick had a nice little holiday in the property cupboard.
I have it on good authority that the Tories (The so- called 'nasty party'), introduced NRT for people unlucky enough to be held at Her Majesty's Pleasure in a police cell. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the Tories will NOT ban ecigs or make them unreachable for those that want to stop smoking.

I can almost certainly guarantee they will when they see the big black hole sitting in accounts from loss of tax from people now vaping ?

If they don't ban or tax it they will add it on to something else, maybe they will insist on 25% tax instead of the 20% we now pay on everything.

Don't get me wrong I'm not going to get into an argument over it but you can see why I say all parties are same.
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