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The TPD means nothing

I'm not overly worried about this, there will be plenty of ways around it.

A battery is a battery, not a device capable of producing vapour.

A VV mod on its own is not a device capable of producing vapour.

An RBA / RDA sold with no coil or wick is not a device capable of producing vapour. These could be broken up further and sold separately.

Kanthal is not... well, you get my point.

I need 72mg nic to kill the weeds in my garden. Flavours I use to make birthday cakes.

If all else fails then China or non EU countries are your friend :).

Sure, it will be possible to continue vaping, but it won't be the same. When the legal European, US and Chinese internal markets are shut down, there will be far less money to be made in vaping gear. As revenues drop the pace of development will slow down or stop, quality will decrease and prices will rise. You might be able to buy a VV mod or RBA but it will probably be a piece of shit and you'll have no consumer rights because it was sold as a novelty item.

Nicotine sold in any form other than highly-taxed EU-approved 2ml capsules will be laced with denatonium, so you'll be reliant on stock that you or your mates have stashed in the freezer.

Honestly I think it's a mistake to assume that somehow everything will work out okay. Support the TW legal challenge but prepare for the worst. My plan is to work towards zero nicotine so at least I won't be forced back onto the stinkies when the juice runs out.
The Totally Wicked legal challenge is probably our best chance of getting Article 20 stopped in it's tracks, and every member of Vapers in Power is a registered supporter of that action. However we believe that the chances of that action working can be improved by every action and public outcry that takes place. There are many in power that would love to just sweep it under the carpet. They need to know that that won't go unnoticed.

Vapers in Power isn't a new group the party has been registered with the Electoral Commission for roughly a year, and obviously it took some organisation to get to that stage. It came into existence then section 5 was added to Article 20. That is the bit that could potentially ban all public endorsement of ecigs, first they take it away and then they ban us from talking about it. Whilst the UK doesn't have the right to free speech for members of the public, it does have something along those lines for Political Parties. Basically even if the worse comes to the worst they can't shut us up.

Given that we ARE a political party one of the most obvious ways we can make noise, challenge the TPD and ensure a more balanced view of vaping is available, is to present candidates for election. This is what we are doing. We have two candidates standing in the parliamentary elections. As part of this we are generating, posters, leaflets and press releases for the constituencies our candidates are standing in. We can't afford to produce and dispatch this media to every B+M in the country, but what we can do is make that media available through the forums and social media so that vapers who understand the dangers and want to help the fight can print off their own copies and deliver them to the vaping shops nearest them.

We need to fight the TPD, but the first step to take is to make sure that everyone actually KNOWS about it.

Well Said :2thumbsup:
Sure, it will be possible to continue vaping, but it won't be the same. When the legal European, US and Chinese internal markets are shut down, there will be far less money to be made in vaping gear. As revenues drop the pace of development will slow down or stop, quality will decrease and prices will rise. You might be able to buy a VV mod or RBA but it will probably be a piece of shit and you'll have no consumer rights because it was sold as a novelty item.

Nicotine sold in any form other than highly-taxed EU-approved 2ml capsules will be laced with denatonium, so you'll be reliant on stock that you or your mates have stashed in the freezer.

Honestly I think it's a mistake to assume that somehow everything will work out okay. Support the TW legal challenge but prepare for the worst. My plan is to work towards zero nicotine so at least I won't be forced back onto the stinkies when the juice runs out.

Well Said .. Sure you can buy from China etc. but everything coming in has to have a declaration on it stating the contents and it has to come through customs. If its not allowed to be sold! How long will it be until they stop allowing them through customs? Just a thought! :)
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I'm not overly worried about this, there will be plenty of ways around it.

A battery is a battery, not a device capable of producing vapour.

A VV mod on its own is not a device capable of producing vapour.

An RBA / RDA sold with no coil or wick is not a device capable of producing vapour. These could be broken up further and sold separately.

Kanthal is not... well, you get my point.

I need 72mg nic to kill the weeds in my garden. Flavours I use to make birthday cakes.

If all else fails then China or non EU countries are your friend :).

Sure you can buy from China etc. but everything coming in has to have a declaration on it stating the contents and it has to come through customs. If its not allowed to be sold! How long will it be until they stop allowing them through customs? Just a thought! :)
When does this come into effect? Sounds like I need to think about stockpiling!
Listing of all ingredients (recently suggested at down to 0.1% by the European Commission) in pre-market notifications and making that information publicly available means that we are forced to make public full “recipes” for flavoured e-liquids.

Where is there a list for all the chemicals in the stinkies? I signed up to the TW challenge a while back and have now got more peeps on board
Sorry, I skipped the last 2 pages, because I have read about this SO MANY TIMES:

I my mind, two things:

Support Totally Wicked ( go to their website and support).

Vote Ukip (I dont want to, .but the EU is fucking us over).

Actually 3 things, the third:

Support VIP.
As an educated vaper as most of us are on POTV these statements they are making look to "us" like they are painting us into a corner, there is no rational fair logic behind them, they are just blatant and so obvious to see what is going on here. So glad we have a chance to put things straight.
Sure, it will be possible to continue vaping, but it won't be the same. When the legal European, US and Chinese internal markets are shut down, there will be far less money to be made in vaping gear. As revenues drop the pace of development will slow down or stop, quality will decrease and prices will rise. You might be able to buy a VV mod or RBA but it will probably be a piece of shit and you'll have no consumer rights because it was sold as a novelty item.

Nicotine sold in any form other than highly-taxed EU-approved 2ml capsules will be laced with denatonium, so you'll be reliant on stock that you or your mates have stashed in the freezer.

Honestly I think it's a mistake to assume that somehow everything will work out okay. Support the TW legal challenge but prepare for the worst. My plan is to work towards zero nicotine so at least I won't be forced back onto the stinkies when the juice runs out.

That the stuff that makes taste horrible right?
EEK! :(
I hadn't thought of that. Have you heard that's a plan elsewhere in the world? Or is that just your thoughts on the worst case scenario?
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