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The TPD means nothing

bit harsh no?

Kinda, but he really seems to be clueless. We're all going to grow our own tobacco plants and extract the nicotine?

Sorry but that's not happening here in my flat on the 16th floor of a tower block in Dudley.
Kinda, but he really seems to be clueless. We're all going to grow our own tobacco plants and extract the nicotine?

Sorry but that's not happening here in my flat on the 16th floor of a tower block in Dudley.

no worries i get it now ive looked through your previous post.

respectfully, you're an idiot.
Agreed - we got that wrong. We were trying to make the number of words less, and we pared down something like "the only people who will be able to make ecigs under the new rules are Big Tobacco" into "there's only one winner ..." (owtte). But we're only a few vapers, not professionals - I hope you think the point still stands! :6:

We didn't get it wrong, I wrote that bit and I was fully aware it was a massive oversimplification of the subject. The simple fact is that this image is NOT aimed at the people of this forum.

We hope that they will print it off and take it to their local B+M's, but when it comes down to it those are the recipients envisioned. The 10.6 refers to the number of Smokers, not the number of Vapers, because when it comes down to it those are the losers in all of this. Yes we could have said it was a hugely complicated fuck up with the Tobacco companies, Pharmaceutical companies and Governments involved and that would have made sense to those already vaguely aware of the subject, but for those unaware the end result would have been for them to just switch OFF. We need to get this message out there and if that means a simple poster that does the job delivered by a person that knows what the fuck is actually going on then so be it.

Maybe I shouldn't have posted it and then fucked off down the pub LOL
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I have to disagree to an extent

there will be two winners

Big Tobacco and Big Pharma .. who in my mind are an even bigger threat that Big Tobacco

I have to disagree to an extent.

There will be three winners: Big T, Big P and ECITA.

Oh, and China, so that's four. Aha - and the Philippines. And all non-EU vendors not abiding by the proposed regs. And the EU vendors who become imaginative with naming. So that's quite a few winners.

But mainly three.
I have to disagree to an extent.

There will be three winners: Big T, Big P and ECITA.

Oh, and China, so that's four. Aha - and the Philippines. And all non-EU vendors not abiding by the proposed regs. And the EU vendors who become imaginative with naming. So that's quite a few winners.

But mainly three.

This is also known as a circle jerk :wanker:
Isn't There already a legal challenge being mounted to Section 20 of the TPD in the European Courts?
There was a link to an interview on here a week or so ago.
Some guy who owns a vaping company and his solicitor.
They sounded like Brits.
If that is the case then might this campaign here join in with that initiative?
Regarding the effects of this TPD Article 20 bollocks come May 2016 how is this going to affect vendors exactly? I have seen very little mentioned concerning individual businesses plans. Are we going to see them closing shop as we draw sooner the date?

I realise it is still over 12 months away but I don't see anyone seriously panicking at present and getting out of Dodge as fast as they can. Surprisingly there are new businesses and new people doing DIY juice for sale every day.

So what's the gameplan? Are they carrying on as usual to make as much money as they can until the new regulations come in or are most of them assuming the Totally Wicked challenge will be a success?
Isn't There already a legal challenge being mounted to Section 20 of the TPD in the European Courts?
There was a link to an interview on here a week or so ago.
Some guy who owns a vaping company and his solicitor.
They sounded like Brits.
If that is the case then might this campaign here join in with that initiative?
Totally wicked [emoji106]
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