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The TPD means nothing

You may wish to research your point on the economy, it's amazingly wrong. I suggest you start by looking at level of debt vs GDP and insert a touch of global perspective. Then you might like to factor in how piss poorly this government has managed debt over its term in office.

And you may want to have a crack at your revisionist historical perspective too and include some wars fought by Tory PMs while you're at it.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am not a Labour supporter but I am a fan of truth and evidence. Claiming their term consisted of 13 years of "ruining the economy" is, using your style of writing, B'lcks.

As I`ve said before, i`m only commenting and I can`t argue with someone of superior intelligence but I would like to clarify one point. Tory MP`s who went to war did it it for the right reasons. Blair did it because he was led and for all the wrong reasons. But i`m just a thick pensioner so what do i know ?.
Tory MP`s who went to war did it it for the right reasons.

Did they?

Did they really?

So the Falklands, in which I lost a friend and had another return without all of his limbs, wasn't just about oil exploration rights? Well f'ck me and colour me stupid. There was me thinking a transplanted population has no indigenous claim of territorial sovereignty but it just goes to show how little I actually know.

Feel free to come back on the whole money economy thing, Bob. If you're really a pensioner then it should give you a huge amount of time to do a little bit of reading and self-education.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
I reckon you're a liar...

I reckon you need to step away from the forum for a bit. Seems like you are more interested in winding people up this evening than making any valid contributions.
Weren`t the Falkland British ?. You obviously think they were Argentenian or should have been. I don`t think Iraq was. I can`t argue about the economy really as i`m not a financial expert. All I read is that the conservatives are doing quite a good job of turning it around. Also, I have looked at latest forecasts of the deficit and national debt under both parties by 2020. Maybe Oxford Economics have got it wrong and are as thick as I am.
Ahhh politics

always good for a scrap eh


Don't bring god into this as well! We're fucked with just the politics :12:

I agree totally with what Gonloopy said, we've got no clue until the legislation is drafted, it's all speculation until then.
Don't bring god into this as well! We're fucked with just the politics :12:

I agree totally with what @Gonloopy said, we've got no clue until the legislation is drafted, it's all speculation until then.
And so spaketh Father Dougal Mcguire

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