1.5, 2.0, 4.0 mm coil bars bin. Unless you're into tiny micro coils. Or hefty 4mmI agree, the Coilmaster Scissors were my only beef with the kit, actually the kit i bought although identical with the Coilmaster was a Clone of it, the Wire Cutters are pretty good with the thickest wire i have used being no problem. I did buy a Coilmaster meter because the one i got with the kit didn't have the option to dry burn the Coil and was a reader only, other than that i think the only item i haven't used is the 2mm coil tool.
Have you considered MTL vaping ?
You will still get loads of flavour and should drastically cut that 250ml a week.
For making coils you may have some bits and pieces at home to give you a start.
What you need is.
Ceramic Tweezers
Pair of small screwdrivers 1 x Flat and 1 x Philips.
Pair of wire snips.
Sharp Scissors
Something for wrapping your coils, this could be Drill Bits, Screwdivers or what a lot of vapers use a coiling jig.
You can use a regulated mod to tell you what oHms your coils are.
It doesnt have to be expensive.
Good Luck
3mm screwdriver! All you need! Ha ha!!Going to sound stupid now..... Whats MTL vaping? sorry haha
Kit wise, im a fire and security engineer so i pretty much have everything already. Think im going to get a coil jig though.
Thank you for the advise
RTAs can sometimes be awkward when it comes to wicking, especially if you're completely new to building. It's basically a tank version on an RDA, which is a dripper.Thank you all for the much needed advise.
IM currently using an Aegis Legend mod. Is this a good enough mod for rebuildables? Can that be used to check oohms?
Also what would be the best tank to start with? RDA/RTA?? Thats what im struggling to find. Im after good flavour, not so fussed on vapour quantity
One thing I would say, if you want to start building on a dripper. Buy a four post deck, easier for you to start on. If you do buy a 2 post, make sure the post holes are big enough to accommodate 2 wires in each.RTAs can sometimes be awkward when it comes to wicking, especially if you're completely new to building. It's basically a tank version on an RDA, which is a dripper.
With the latter, you can just pop the cap off, and re Wick or faff, easily, if needs be, but with a tank, or rta, it's s bit more work.
An RTA is just like a sub ohm tank, but you can build your own coils & wick it, as it had a rebuildable deck.
One thing I would say, if you want to start building on a dripper. Buy a four post deck, easier for you to start on. If you do buy a 2 post, make sure the post holes are big enough to accommodate 2 wires in each.
You could also go for a single coil RDA, like a drop solo, to start.
The Drop RDAs come in dual coil, Drop Solo, obviously by its name, is a single coil.
Both are easy to build on, might be a good starting point. Google them, look at the huge post clamp/holes.