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This is not my day- DNA200 + button stuck, how to unstick?


May 17, 2015
Hello everyone, today I thought I would use my Hotcig DX200 with the dual 18650 battery holder instead of the Li-Po, and was having a great vape in watt mode.

I then came across some titanium wire that I forgot I had, so decided to do a dual coil build of 2.5MM 7 wraps a side 27 gauge wire, for TC mode.

As I was setting it up I wanted to dry fire the coils to check for hot spots, so increased the power, let go, and it kept going up. The button has became physically stuck down.

I have tried pressing the button hundreds of times hoping it will click back up, have tried gently prying from the edge with a flathead screwdriver, and now am at a loss what to do.

Will I have to dismantle the whole mod, as this includes taking the main DNA 200 board out, to get to the stuck plus button and position it back in place, or does anyone have any easier ideas before I attempt this?

Thank you all, Conan.
P.S- I apologise for making this the conanthewarrior forum as I am always posting topics.
Hello everyone, today I thought I would use my Hotcig DX200 with the dual 18650 battery holder instead of the Li-Po, and was having a great vape in watt mode.

I then came across some titanium wire that I forgot I had, so decided to do a dual coil build of 2.5MM 7 wraps a side 27 gauge wire, for TC mode.

As I was setting it up I wanted to dry fire the coils to check for hot spots, so increased the power, let go, and it kept going up. The button has became physically stuck down.

I have tried pressing the button hundreds of times hoping it will click back up, have tried gently prying from the edge with a flathead screwdriver, and now am at a loss what to do.

Will I have to dismantle the whole mod, as this includes taking the main DNA 200 board out, to get to the stuck plus button and position it back in place, or does anyone have any easier ideas before I attempt this?

Thank you all, Conan.
P.S- I apologise for making this the conanthewarrior forum as I am always posting topics.
You could use some WD-40, just a little squirt and it may free it up.
You could use some WD-40, just a little squirt and it may free it up.
I will give that a go, I think I actually have electrical contact cleaner that is safe if it gets onto electronics so might try that instead of WD40 just in case.

If anyone else has any ideas please still let me know, nearly all my RDA's are stuck together and now my one DNA200 that works got its button stuck, not my day.

I've gone back to using the broadside mech with a dual coil 0.18 build for now in a Vector RDA as I have the Goon setup with dual titanium coils for the DNA200, but this bloody happened.
You could use some WD-40, just a little squirt and it may free it up.
I couldn't find contact cleaner but had WD40, I used the red straw for a finer spray and did a tiny bit, it went over both the buttons and nearly in the USB hole.

I pressed a few times, and it worked! The button is no longer stuck.

Thank you for saving me from dismantling the mod to get to the stuck button. You have made my day mate.
I'd inspect those titanium coils for "grey soot" if the mod was autofiring on it, any trace of grey particulates, ditch them.
And this has made me remember why I love my mods with Evolv DNA boards- the custom presets I have installed via Escribe to make the TC even better.

I have it set to Ti 01 at 50W with 240C temp limit, and it is working flawlessly, reducing the power just the right amount to avoid dry hits and going over the temperature.
I'd inspect those titanium coils for "grey soot" if the mod was autofiring on it, any trace of grey particulates, ditch them.
I remembered this about titanium wire, luckily there is no grey soot on the roll that I have.

The mod wasn't autofiring, it was a problem with the plus button, it physically got stuck nothing to do with the coils.

Now it is unstuck and working flawlessly :)
TLDR Use Ti Gr1 only.
I remember the concern over using titanium wire from back in the days when mods could only do Ni200 or Ti 01.

This spool is from Crazy wire, I used to use it in the past for builds and I believe it is the highest grade from them.

I will be ordering some SS316L though when I am next payed, as that is my preferred wire type for TC builds and I can also build standard watt mode coils with it too.
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