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UK Government Plans To Fail

No country has contolled it. Still having outbreaks in all major countries including the super efficient Germans, It's all about containing it as best the world can & if, by keeping it localised & controlable, we can maintain low death rates. This won't be over until either a viable vaccine is found, or it naturally dies out. It's a marathon not a sprint.

new zealand seem to have done ok.
curious... any reason why that might be?

it is quite interesting. similar to new zealand i think. early to action after a bad start with lots of cases, a very good strategy, clear communication, strong social democratic governance (although it’s been governed forever by the communist party), a good, well funded public health system and a lot of buy in from the population.
it is quite interesting. similar to new zealand i think. early to action after a bad start with lots of cases, a very good strategy, clear communication, strong social democratic governance (although it’s been governed forever by the communist party), a good, well funded public health system and a lot of buy in from the population.


.............. and: ;)

The problem is, as someone else mentioned here (and the same in the states) is that hospitals have turned into covid treatment centers to the detriment of everyone else.
cheers @Crewella , i think it was the guardian one i read, a while back.

as for social democracy i can’t see they have many alternatives tbh. i think the writer’s understanding seems to be lacking.
we've been told we can have an antibody test but the catch is it's being done a 2-hour round trip away not on our unit its a blood one so joy
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