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Upgrade my squonk kit


Nov 4, 2013
Looking for a bit of advice if anyone can give some suggestions.

Currently got the vv pulse bf kit as my entry into squonking quite a while ago, but want to upgrade to a regulated device and also any suggestions for an RDA to go with it.

Got quite a few rebuildable tanks and drippers so I'm familiar with ohms law. My go to mod at the minute is my trusty asmodus minikin v2, so wouldn't really want anything bigger than that.

Dual or single battery wouldn't really matter. Just depends on the size.

Thanks for the help!
Dovpo topside dual or single battery great devices, I use mine with the profile RDA or lost vape drone 250c, few sites have Easter sale codes on too at the moment
I have the Topside Dual, have been squonking for years and for me the best rda is the Pulse 2, zero leaking, great flavour. get one or considner the Vandyvape pulse dual kit?
Agree with the topside recommendations. My preference of the two is the single, paired with an asmodus c4 rda or profile rda. Best squonkers ive used by far.
I've got a topside but I still find I use my vt inbox more. It may only be a single 18650 but it's small and lightweight. My favourite bf rda for all my squonks is the Recurve with the supplied coil.
I've got a topside but I still find I use my vt inbox more. It may only be a single 18650 but it's small and lightweight. My favourite bf rda for all my squonks is the Recurve with the supplied coil.
Really solid suggestion too. That exact setup is my second favourite after topside/s and always nearby.
They're very reliable aren't they. Just a shame they're difficult to source from the UK. Fasttech is the best bet I've found.
Absolutely. I got both mine from fasttech too. One has been my beater mod and has been dropped numerous times and abused and hasn’t missed a beat. Like you said they are small and really portable. Super solid and reliable and look great. Some really sexy panels for them too. I prefer the topside for practicality reasons, bigger battery capacity, bigger squonk bottle, easier filling. But they aren’t anywhere as near as classy and nice feeling/looking as the inbox. Or reliable really, my single topside battery door has broken after a few months but I may have just been unlucky.

Nonetheless if I only had the option of one mod (shudder) I’d go for the topside single.
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