Nice photo....despite the foggieness of the vapour eminating from all of us!
To all concerned..despite the rail chaos this weekend, i did eventually managed to get back to my quiet corner in Wales...only 2 hours late. I don't normally drink Tea at 11.30pm..but feck me, it was sooo nice!
T'was an interesting experience, bright, loud..and the Expo itself was enormous! Nice to met up with some of the members, nwhornet, Stu, Tootingyoda, Dave, Dee and Tartan....and..very briefly, 3DJ too...but alas i had to get me train only got to see the other Dunk for 5 minutes! Nice to have gone, but i coulda done without the stress of the weather fecking up my rail journey back..ho hum!
Thanks also to Craig & Martyn..for being my 'guides for the blind lanky bloke' too, much appreciated. It does get tougher as my sight deteriates...but i try not let that put me off trying some new experiences in unfamiliar enviroments.
Did i get anything at the expo.....erm.....not really! just some juice that was about it. Would've picked up a mod from Teslacigs, but they didn't have the one i wanted....nae bother!
Defo might look at trying the next Vape fest next, next summer....sounds more like my kind of thing....less noise and bright lights!
No POTV stand though...would've been nice to have met Hedley and co...maybe next time!
PS:....i had forgotten i'd put that King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard tee shirt on!