Ok, I've taken a slightly roundabout/cheating route on this.
I've stuck me head back into an RC forum in the hope of tapping into the LiPo guru knowlage base. I've given them a 'base line' of max size, 1800mAh & 35c. I also posted a link to the MaxAmps '100c' 3s. The first comment on that has been, SPENDY ! Followed by, 'I'll upload some links' to an eBay seller he uses regularly, and exceed 1800mAh. Be interesting to see what the RC users come up with.
So my box finally arrived this afternoon. Wrong colour and both sides are attached with the hex screws.
Not a happy bunny, especially regarding the colour
On the upside, the s/n and hex screws means it won't be duff like the first run.
Where was it from?
I'm not too fussed with the screws, in fact, after that battle getting the battery and cables back in, they are probably for the best.
Really wanted a black and white one though.
The colour is starting to grown on me, and I know it's a better finish, what with it being being anodized, but still...