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Vaping Bogan

Saw a video of his for the first time today. Called everyone dickhead at least twice and dropped the c-bomb after about 30 seconds. Subscribed. :D
In a world where whole governments are trying to take down vaping because of influence of tobacco and pharmaceutical companies with financial interests at heart.

Why does every small thing get labelled as being the cause of something or other?

And it's always a YouTuber. Whether it's a prank video channel , a countries biggest vaping YouTuber or whatever else is next. Whether it's a certain social media post from a company or branding on bottles or a spinning device.....

The list goes on and on.

Point is, perhaps all of this has zero impact on any regulations, taxes, laws, bannings.

Maybe it's just the trillion dollar companies buying political members to force their own issues to keep making money that is the root cause and will always be the motivation?
@Sacred Vape Couldn't have said it better myself, that last bit. It's sickening, but that's the way the world works these days.
While were on about white powder, a few years ago now i used to have a tropical marine aquarium. With the corals i kept it ment regular dosing with various white powders to keep the alkalinity, calcium levels in check.

One evening whilst i was weighing a good kg of the one such powder there was a knock at the door, i opened the door to find a couple cops enquiring about some disturbance in the area a few nights previously.

Well i invited them in, and saw the look of horror on their face when they saw all this white powder being weighed on my digital scales lol. Before they could say i word, i just said, "No it isn't what your thinking " and promptly showed them the aquarium, both had a good laugh about it.
Note for all drug dealers ... keep an aquarium ... ;)

I used to keep Tanganyikans, conditioned water in the butt with lashings of salts and minerals to harden it up before water change day ... you can't get a good price for Epsom Salts or sodium bicarb down the local though.
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