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Boss is awesome. Strawberry, mango & menthol I believe. Have it in a MTL setup & it's lovely, into the top 3 it goes
Ahhhh I just came on here to ask what Boss is!! Sounds interesting will pick some up next order
Keep mixing flavours with Marshmallow, I have no idea why but the things I'm making up taste pretty nice. :woot:
What are you adding it to how much pal?

I've read about it being a nice addition as a sweetener

Blueberry Bubblegum, % wise for Marshmallow is around 5 and 15 Blueberry Bubblegum. Has an all around good smell and taste.

I've done the same with Heisenblag, Blue Water, Strawberry Chew(Tastes like something from my Childhood, no idea what it's called).

It's a nice addition as a sweetener, you're right. But in some flavours it just tastes downright vile.
Well, listings are going live as we speak. Looks like I used my tiny brain and actually figured it out. :yahoo:
Ordered a few more flavours yesterday afternoon and they arrived this morning.
- Dragons Blood
- Mango Treat
- Strawberry Chew
- Refreshers
- Drumstick
- Raspberry Ruffles

They all smell pretty darn good, except raspberry ruffles... It's not quite what I was expecting. What exactly is this meant to be? Kind of wishing I picked up some marshmallow now. I'm pretty sure I have some old TPA one laying around.
Ok my first post here. VRU Started my diy journey and this site help me out alot! Thanks to all you people who share and give review on everything, never will i buy shop juice again.

VRU has been hit and miss for me, always great service and arrive a day or 2 after I've ordered but some flavours are way off, every one has different tastes i guess.

Some I've had from them and my ratings:

Lemon Cheese cake: @ 15% 70/30 3mg, 9/10 1 week steep it was beautiful after 5weeks started to mellow and lose some notes. Ordered more :-)

Peach and Passion fruit: @ 20% 70/30 3mg Touch of EM to make it pop 10/10 Shake and vape but was better after a week.

Hesienblag: @ 15% 70/30 3mg 3/10 Nothing like VV, Needs a new name! not a bad vape but a bit muddled up for me. more like candy ice with blue in it. still got 170ml in a jar sat there 3 months not much changed.

Skittles: @ 15% 60/40 3mg 6/10 Smells like Skittles tastes kinda like Skittles but a bit floral and artificial. best after a week but was an ok shake and vape.

Cherry @ 10% 70/30 3mg 0/10 . Even tried in recipes at 1% and it kills them off. I know cherry is a wired flavour to get right but this was vile. What i made i left for 3 months no different all down the sink.

Blackcurrant & Liquoirce @ 10% 70/30 0/10 Was even worse than the cherry! it smelt beautiful tho :-( only way to describe it was like chewing leather/fabric left 3 month hoping it would get better but never did.

EM from them spot on.
There lids do my head in some times lol argh them lids.

Lemon Raspberry Cheese cake will be here tomorrow will let you know how that goes and Lemon Cheese cake the day after I might take it to 20% or keep at 15% with added lemon and graham cracker (TPA) to get it to 10/10.

Any recommendations with there flavours....
So today I received Lychee & Raspberry sorbet instead of Lemon Raspberry Cheese Cake. Email sent first time its happened from them but where all human and make mistakes lol. Got to say it smells really nice :-) Gonna make it up anyways will let you know how it turns out. And how do i change my pic?
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